Heat (UK)

‘I always pack Pot Noodles & a kettle’


What’s in your standard duty-free haul?

Always books. I like those really trashy crime thrillers. I always overbuy them because I think I’m going to read for five or six hours a day by the pool, but then I end up sitting on my phone like everyone else. I spend £100 on books, and they just sit in my suitcase.

Funniest souvenir you’ve brought home with you?

I’ve just been to Orlando and I bought loads of Harry Potter stuff. It makes me chuckle that they sell butterbeer fudge.

What do you splash your holiday money on?

Hotels that don’t have wooden flooring, as it’s not cosy unless I’m somewhere hot. I won’t book a hotel that doesn’t have carpet.

What do you always pack?

An extension lead because then you only need one adaptor and you’re sorted. I pack a disposable camera, so you can take a load of photos on holiday and forget about them, then get them developed six months later and remember how much fun you had. Oh, and a travel kettle, so I can eat the Pot Noodles I’ve packed.

If you could go on holiday anywhere tomorrow, where would you choose?

If I had unlimited money, I would go to Costa Rica – I’ve got my eye on it at the moment. I want to stay at the Oxygen Tree Top Villas in the rainforest. The whole villa is made of glass and it looks phenomenal.

The weirdest thing you’ve eaten abroad?

Ox tongue in Paris at Dans le Noir. It’s a restaurant where you eat in the dark, and you don’t know what you’re having until afterwards. It was awful! ■

Matt is working with Bó, the new banking app designed to help people do money better

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