Heat (UK)


She’s hoping for more than a bunch of flowers


As Wayne Rooney continues his efforts to be named husband of the year and make amends for the way he has treated wife Coleen in the past, we’re told he’s going to pull out all the stops for her upcoming birthday.

The WAG turns 34 on 3 April, and while the footballer knows it isn’t a milestone birthday, he wants to treat Coleen like a princess by taking her away and spending some quality time with her.

“Wayne is determined to make sure Coleen has the best birthday ever, and really wants to show her that he’s a completely changed man,” heat’s insider says. “Some of her past birthdays have had a bit of drama surroundin­g them, as well as tensions between them, because of Wayne’s behaviour. So, he’s keen to take her away for a romantic mini break, as soon as he has a clear space in the his diary, and really spoil her. He’s thinking about a trip to Dubai – just the two of them – if his schedule allows, or somewhere closer to home.”

Coleen’s past couple of birthdays have been overshadow­ed by tensions in her relationsh­ip with Wayne. Ever since the former England captain was caught drink-driving with party girl Laura Simpson after a night out in 2017 – while a pregnant Coleen was on holiday with their three sons – there has been constant speculatio­n about the state of their marriage. Even after the family relocated to America for a year, so Wayne, 34, could play for DC United, he continued to make alcohol-based blunders, and Coleen was reportedly very unhappy there. But since moving back to the UK last summer, things have improved between the couple. We’re told Coleen is loving being back in England, as she can go out with her friends more, and she and Wayne are enjoying more date nights. They watched Lewis Capaldi perform last week.

“Wayne knows he was so lucky to be given another chance by Coleen, and he’s determined not to blow it,” our source says. “Coleen will never forget what he put her through, but they’re in a good place, and she’s not going to complain if he spoils her. She’s been dropping hints, and he knows she loves going away to hot places. He thinks that some time alone together will really help them. This time last year, they were arguing over their future – but now she feels he’s finally putting her first, and she’s loving it.” n

‘Wayne’s determined not to blow it’

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Wayne even bought himself a Lewis Capaldi T-shirt
Dining in Dubai last November
Out on the town with her mates last week
Wayne even bought himself a Lewis Capaldi T-shirt Dining in Dubai last November Out on the town with her mates last week

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