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The all-seeing Jan Jacques tells you what the stars have in store this week


20 Mar-19 Apr

Pay close attention this week, as a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it work opportunit­y may materialis­e. A Venus/uranus transit spells a good earner, but move fast. Elsewhere, best to state the obvious to someone close. Your bias for bluntness is bang-on. LUCKY SPEED: Lightning

TAURUS 20 Apr-20 May

A money niggle may resolve this week and you’ll wonder why you were worried in the first place. All the same, it pays to spend cautiously. Elsewhere, don’t let a dream unsettle you. It may even bring a realisatio­n. LUCKY LIGHT: The one at the end of the tunnel

GEMINI 21 May-20 Jun

All your ace ideas must not be wasted this week. If you are plucking up the courage to air them at work, the time is now. Your initiative will be noted, plus you’ll have had your say. Elsewhere, constructi­ve criticism may be needed for a friend. LUCKY INSTRUCTIO­N: Speak out

CANCER 21 Jun-22 Jul

There’s a cheerfully chipper week ahead, thanks to a happy Jupiter/ Pluto transit keeping things bubbling along. You may be having a monetary breakthrou­gh or surprising­ly low expenses. And to top it off, there’s welcome family news. LUCKY TIPPLE: Champagne

23 Jul-23 Aug

There should be smooth waters now after the last rather choppy week. Mercury’s motion spells a money issue resolved, and the prospect of well-deserved downtime. Your intuition, heightened by this past full moon may get spooky – you can trust it. LUCKY SIGHT: Second

VIRGO 24 Aug-22 Sep

Your loyal support is highly prized. A sweet Jupiter/pluto aspect spells success for siblings and sibling figures. You backed them up and they love you for it. Elsewhere, try not to smirk as an irksome workmate gets their overdue comeuppanc­e. LUCKY FEELING: Appreciate­d

LIBRA 23 Sep-22 Oct

Single or not, you can’t beat a little frisson to kick-start the week. A sweet Venus aspect spells a chance meeting or flirty opportunit­y, but it’s not serious. Work-wise, don’t be too open about an idea or project. Keep something back. LUCKY FACIAL EXPRESSION: Cheeky wink

SCORPIO 23 Oct-21 Nov

Life with you is rarely dull, especially with the week’s edgy Venus/uranus aspect. Expect a relationsh­ip shake-up or even new love in the air. You’ll thrive on the drama, but don’t be distracted, as work may throw up opportunit­ies. LUCKY RIDE: Roller coaster

SAGITTARIU­S 22 Nov- 21 Dec

A set-up that previously foiled your plan to be top dog at work may melt away. Career planet Mercury’s mid-week shift spells new energy. No need to be forceful – success should find you. Elsewhere, catch up with family or they’ll feel sidelined. LUCKY NEXT STEP: World domination

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-19 Jan

And breathe… Mercury no longer retrograde frees you up to make decisions that had previously caused headaches. It’s also full steam ahead for fitness – all forms of exercise are extra-beneficial right now. Elsewhere, a dream may give you a financial pointer. LUCKY STATE: Productive

AQUARIUS 20 Jan-18 Feb

It’s not like you to blame others, so take responsibi­lity for something dragging you down this week – you can and will change it. Money-wise, a miraculous Sun/neptune transit spells a worry resolved and a possible lightbulb moment. LUCKY ATTITUDE: Bullish

PISCES 19 Feb-19 Mar

Sweet harmony at home, thanks to Mercury’s shift. A thorny issue or debate may resolve, lifting your love life no end. But do still work to keep the peace. Elsewhere, a style or outfit you dither over may work wonderfull­y. LUCKY MIND-SET: Confident

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