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The all-seeing Jan Jacques tells you what the stars have in store this week


ARIES 20 Mar-19 Apr

That iron will of yours may have to bend this week, just for once. Venus retrograde warns against a determined love or money decision right now, so a delay may be the smart (non)move. Elsewhere, a pal’s message may reveal a little more than they intended.

LUCKY MIND: Flexible

TAURUS 20 Apr-20 May

Lists are your best friends this week. You may have taken on too much, so make the time to prioritise and ruthlessly ditch the less-important tasks. Moneywise, a Mercury transit suggests a skilled eye for something that will increase in value.

LUCKY AIM: A slimmer schedule

GEMINI 21 May-20 Jun

You’re so sharp right now, you’re in danger of cutting yourself. A super Jupiter transit suggests you’re whip-smart work-wise, but why the need for speed? Take a little more time. Money-wise, a waxing moon is always helpful and may inspire a clever move.

LUCKY WIT: Quick, slick CANCER 21 Jun-22 Jul Your soft heart should not make you a soft touch. Beware someone taking advantage, as your empty 1st house makes you extra-selfless. This week saying no is a good thing. Work-wise, a potentiall­y tricky conversati­on should go well.

LUCKY NEED: A thicker skin

LEO 23 Jul-23 Aug

Life lived at full throttle is your thing, but apply the brakes this week. Two long-term planets awkwardly aligned warn against pushing yourself hard. You can get up to speed later. Elsewhere, your praise and encouragem­ent will really rally a loved one.


VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sep

You can spot a bargain at 100 paces, but curb that urge this week. Venus retrograde (your money planet) says delay a big buy until the end of the month. Work-wise, you may be surprised just how much you appreciate someone’s respect.

LUCKY AIM: Biding your time

LIBRA 23 Sept-22 Oct

You’re a natural problem solver, but your fix-it skills at work may suffer with Venus’ retrograde. Taking a job back to the drawing board and harnessing that legendary patience should save the day. Meanwhile, a sweet gesture may move you to tears.

LUCKY GIFT: Diligence

SCORPIO 23 Oct-21 Nov

That mind is like a steel trap, thanks to your strong 3rd house. You’re smart and absorb info faster, so this is terrific for students and those learning new stuff. Work-wise, address someone’s ego without being hurtful.


SAGITTARIU­S 22 Nov- 21 Dec

What a great excuse for not hitting the gym too hard – retrograde Venus (your health planet) warns against overdoing it. Gentle exercise is highly recommende­d, though. At work, make time for an unsure colleague needing a hand.


CAPRICORN 22 Dec-19 Jan

Don’t fear a taxing work task or situation. This is the week to have it, since a super Jupiter/ Neptune transit sharpens your mind, making you equal to almost anything. Health-wise, reviving an old routine may make you feel brand new.

LUCKY FORCE: Invincible

AQUARIUS 20 Jan-18 Feb

You read others expertly right now, thanks to a killer combo of a strong 12th house and Saturn transit (your spiritual planet). This sharpens your BS detector, so watch your words. Elsewhere, your partner’s devotion should be obvious this week.


PISCES 19 Feb-19 Mar

Your adaptabili­ty is superb, so a job opportunit­y that at first seems unlikely is worth another look – Mars in your 10th house supports this. Meanwhile, a sweet Mercury transit (your love planet) suggests a pal wants to be so much more.


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