Heat (UK)

Moonfall Cert 12A, 120 minutes, in cinemas 4 February

Starring: Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson, John Bradley Director: Roland Emmerich


THE PLOT When British conspiracy theorist KC (Bradley) discovers the Moon has been knocked out of orbit and is headed our way, he must convince disgraced astronaut Brian Harper (Wilson) of the danger. Then NASA executive Jo Fowler (Berry) pulls the two men into a mission to save the world. WHAT’S RIGHT / WRONG WITH IT? Director Roland Emmerich is rightly acclaimed for blockbuste­rs like Independen­ce Day, but his hit rate has been less impressive lately. This sci-fi disaster movie – which was not available to see in time for review – looks absolutely prepostero­us… but hopefully in a good way. VERDICT Sam Tarly from Game Of Thrones and Halle Berry take on the Moon? This could be fun. Charles Gant

 ?? ?? “Bloody conspiracy theorists”
Stop mooning about
“Bloody conspiracy theorists” Stop mooning about

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