Heat (UK)



Chelsea’s feeling blue

Chelsea has a meeting with a social worker about Jordan’s adoption, and despite Denise trying to change her mind, Chelsea’s made her decision. Meanwhile, Mack and Mia lock themselves in the house as they don’t want to go to school, so Mitch asks Chelsea to help, but will they listen to her?

Summer plays a risky game

Billy urges Summer to have a night off revision and go out with her friends. She soon decides she doesn’t want to be the boring one, so knocks back wine at the cafe, and Amy, Nina and Asha worry about her insulin levels. But how far will she go? Also, Tim fails to tell Elaine she needs to move out.

Moira takes action

In a bid to get over Mack, Charity flirts with the drayman, which enrages Moira. Later, when an upset Charity asks Moira to talk to Mack for her, Moira blames her for Mack’s departure and takes her revenge. Meanwhile, Cathy lies that she’s in a relationsh­ip with Samson, and he embarrasse­s her.

Things go wrong for Cindy

The company accepts Luke for its clinical trial, but want a £30K down payment. Misbah tells Cindy to hold off raising cash till she knows the trial is legit, but Cindy ignores her. Tony suggests an ice-bucket challenge involving mustard (!) and Cindy goes full steam ahead. Only, she’s shocked to then find Luke has booked a holiday with the fundraisin­g money.

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