Heat (UK)

5 revelation­s from MEGHAN’S LATEST INTERVIEW


Covering everything from the Queen’s death to their upcoming Netflix series, Meghan Markle gave yet another interview last week – this time to Variety magazine – and the revelation­s were quite something…


The Sussexes became the most talked-about couple on the planet when they dropped their bombshell Oprah interview. Meghan opened up about feeling nervous when attending activist Gloria Steinem’s birthday days after the interview aired, saying, “Walking into a room alone is never easy for me, and I remember feeling a bit uncomforta­ble.”


Meghan gushed about the couple’s highly anticipate­d Netflix docuseries, but hinted that it’s not quite what the royal couple imagined. “It’s nice to be able to trust someone with our story… even if it means it may not be the way we would have told it. We’re trusting our story to someone else, and that means it will go through their lens,” she said.


With Netflix’s The Crown still a huge hit across the globe, it seems inevitable that someone will eventually take on the role of the Duchess. But when asked about being portrayed on screen, Meghan candidly said, “Anyone talking about me or casting an actor to play me, that will be a caricature of me that has been created for a business that makes people a lot of money.”


Archie, three, and Lilibet, one, seem destined for a life of fame, and Meghan says she wouldn’t discourage a showbiz career. She shared, “When you become a parent, you genuinely want your kids to find the things that bring them joy. I want them to be able to carve out their own path. If it’s the entertainm­ent industry, great. And also, good luck!”


Speaking for the first time about the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Meghan revealed how grateful she was to be at Harry side to support him, adding, “It’s been a complicate­d time, but my husband, ever the optimist, said, ‘Now she’s reunited with her husband’.” Of the Queen herself, Meghan revealed, “I feel deep gratitude to have been able to spend time with her.” ■

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 ?? ?? That bombshell interview
That bombshell interview
 ?? ?? The pair remain united
The pair remain united

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