Heat (UK)


The Spice Girl isn’t happy that Qatar is hosting the World Cup


David Beckham’s endorsemen­t of Qatar as the location for this year’s FIFA World Cup has caused controvers­y with even his most ardent fans, who have condemned the former footballer for supporting a country with a famously poor human rights track record. Now, Mel C has commented on David’s big-money deal with Qatar, revealing that it doesn’t sit right with her that he’s taken the role of a paid ambassador for a country that has ruled it illegal to be homosexual.

Speaking about the chosen location for the World Cup on the Not My Bagg podcast, Mel said, “I’m an ally to the LGBTQ+ community, so I’d feel very uncomforta­ble about showing support for it. I understand people want to talk about sport being able to change culture, but when there’s so much money involved, it’s tricky.” She then referred directly to the criticism of David, husband of fellow Spice Girl Victoria Beckham, saying, “It’s difficult. David is a friend, and everybody has to make their own choices.”

Mel, who won the Honorary Gay gong at the Attitude Awards earlier this month, is a vocal advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, often working with queer collective Sink The Pink. She has previously commented on Qatar’s hosting of the World Cup, arguing that it’s a PR stunt. In a previous interview, she admitted, “They can try and spin it that they’re there to make change, that sport can make change. But it’s bullshit, it’s about money.”

Despite the controvers­y over UNICEF ambassador David’s multi-million-pound contract with the country, he’s largely ignored the critics and recently released an advert for Qatar, which sees him calling the location “perfect”. ■

‘It’s just about money’

 ?? ?? Scored a bit of an own goal there, David?
Scored a bit of an own goal there, David?

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