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Strictly star gives talk at Naval Base Clyde


STAFF at HM Naval Base Clyde welcomed a television presenter and former Royal Marine to the facility to kick off a new series of lectures.

JJ Chalmers visited the HMS Neptune Supermess on Wednesday, January 31, where he delivered the first in a series Human Performanc­e Lectures.

JJ is a former Royal Marine Reservist, Invictus Games medallist and trustee, television presenter, and contestant on Strictly Come Dancing.

A spokespers­on for the naval base said: “He began with his motivation for joining the Royal Marines Reserves and the challenges he encountere­d early on in his career.

“It was while deployed in Afghanista­n with 42 Commando during Operation

Herrick 14 that JJ’s life was profoundly changed by a Taliban Improvised Explosive Device.

“With vivid, and often uncomforta­ble detail, he took the audience through his harrowing journey of recovery, illustrati­ng how his, and his comrades’ training came into play.

“JJ talked about physical and mental resilience, particular­ly its inherent vulnerabil­ities and this resonated deeply with the audience.

“Their reactions and the feedback given to JJ emphasised the impact of his words.

“The term ‘inspiring’ was frequently used, reflecting JJ’s ability to emerge from the darkest of times.

“His story provided a profound insight into human performanc­e under extreme conditions, highlighti­ng the significan­ce of training, well-being, and the importance of supporting each other and ourselves.”

After the lecture, attendees had the opportunit­y to treat themselves to lunch at the ‘pop up’ street food event hosted by catering staff.

The chefs will be creating themed menus for future events linked to the Human Performanc­e Talks.

In addition to sharing his inspiring story with Naval Base staff, JJ was also treated to a tour of an Astute-class submarine to find out about the life of a submariner.

HMS Neptune staff plan to hold more sessions which aim to explore all aspects of human performanc­e through talks by experts and inspiring individual­s in various fields.

 ?? ?? JJ was a contestant on Strictly Come Dancing where he paid homage to his naval background. Image: Guy Levy/BBC/PA Wire
JJ was a contestant on Strictly Come Dancing where he paid homage to his naval background. Image: Guy Levy/BBC/PA Wire

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