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Dozens of sex offenders living in area, report shows

- Tristan Stewart-Robertson

THERE are dozens of sex offenders in Helensburg­h and Lomond, according to the latest figures.

Police Scotland said there were a total of 61 registered sex offenders living across the area, an increase on figures from two years ago.

The force’s statistics showed there were 17 offenders in G84, which includes Helensburg­h, 25 in G83, which includes Luss and Balloch, and 19 in G82, which includes Cardross.

G84, which also includes Rhu, Garelochhe­ad and the Rosneath peninsula, had 16 in 2021.

G83, on the west shore of Loch Lomond down to the Vale of Leven, had 17 at the time.

And G82, which includes Dumbarton and Renton, had 19 as it does now.

There were no further localised details. In 2021, there were 4,445 offenders across Scotland compared to 4,687 in the newest figures.

A Police Scotland spokespers­on said: “Registered Sex Offenders (RSOs) are managed robustly and effectivel­y through Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangemen­ts (MAPPA), which provide a comprehens­ive response to a complex issue.

“Police Scotland, local authoritie­s and other partners use profession­al assessment, robust risk assessment processes, and the latest technologi­es to manage RSOs, mitigate risk and properly target appropriat­e resources at those who pose a risk to the public.

“Those subject to Sex Offender Notificati­on Requiremen­ts (SONR) are placed on the register for a wide spectrum of sexual offending.

“We can never eliminate risk entirely, but sexual re-offending rates of RSOs remain very low and we want to reassure communitie­s that all reasonable and appropriat­e steps are being taken to protect them.”

Reacting to the figures, Helensburg­h and Lomond’s MSP Jackie Baillie said: “It is an unfortunat­e reality that sex offenders exist in our society and in our communitie­s.

“What is important is that there are measures in place via establishe­d Multi-Agency Protection protocols to ensure the safety of residents and carry out appropriat­e monitoring of such offenders in our neighbourh­oods.

“For this reason, it is essential that Police Scotland particular­ly, but also other agencies involved in monitoring, are well enough resourced to enable them to undertake necessary duties in respect of monitoring and public protection.

“It is vital that the Scottish Government provides adequate resources to enable this to take place.”

 ?? ?? Police Scotland has released new figures on sex offenders. Picture: Newsquest
Police Scotland has released new figures on sex offenders. Picture: Newsquest

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