Helensburgh Advertiser

Musician to perform debut album at show

- Emma Reilly

AN ACCLAIMED Scottish musician says he “can’t wait” to come to Helensburg­h next month to showcase his debut solo album.

Ron Jappy is set to perform music from his album ‘Vincular’ at The Tower Digital Arts Centre on Saturday, February 17 as part of his upcoming Scotland-wide tour.

Findochty-based Ron is a multiinstr­umentalist who plays the fiddle, guitar, and piano, and has over a decade of experience in the industry, primarily as an accompanis­t.

Ron said: “I couldn’t be more excited to bring such a talented cast of musicians with me on the live tour of my debut solo album.

“My entire musical identity is rooted in collaborat­ion, and playing with such exceptiona­l artists has been transforma­tive for me.

“’Vincular’, the name of both the tour and my record, holds a special meaning. It signifies the act of binding and connecting, reflecting on my role as an accompanis­t.

“I believe in the power of music when bringing people together, and as an accompanis­t, my aim is always to support and enhance the performer, while fostering a connection with the audience.

“It’s a dynamic and creative process and one which I can’t wait to bring to the Helensburg­h community.”

Ron will travel with his band to take his music to nine venues across the country.

Ron graduated from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama – now the Royal Conservato­ire of Scotland – in 2011.

The following year, he achieved third place in the prestigiou­s Glenfiddic­h Fiddle Championsh­ip at Blair Castle in Perthshire.

He has collaborat­ed with many establishe­d artists including Claire Hastings, Iona Fyfe, Jamie Smith’s Mabon, Joy Dunlop, Mànran, Rachel Hair, Skerryvore, and the Scott Wood Band.

Throughout his career, Ron has played across the UK, America, Bahrain, Indonesia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Thailand, and the UAE.

For tour informatio­n and tickets for the Helensburg­h show, visit www.tickettail­or.com/events/ ronjappy.

 ?? ?? Ron Jappy is going on tour. Picture: Innes and Campbell Communicat­ions
Ron Jappy is going on tour. Picture: Innes and Campbell Communicat­ions

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