Helensburgh Advertiser

Picture of the Week


Garelochhe­ad SWI

THE next meeting of Garelochhe­ad SWI will be held in the Gibson Hall on Thursday, February 8 at 2pm.

The guest speaker will be from the Helensburg­h and Lomond Foodbank, and donations for the food bank are welcome.

Member competitio­ns are for a chocolate bownie (to a given recipe), a house plant, and a donation for the food bank.

The meeting will also include the usual raffle, coffee and chat. All welcome.

Film society

THE Cove and Kilcreggan Film Society will be showing ‘Aftersun’ on Thursday, February 8 in Cove Burgh Hall at 7.45pm.

Starring Paul Mescal and Frankie Corio and directed by Charlotte Wells, this coming-of-age drama explores the relationsh­ip between a father and daughter as they holiday at a Turkish resort.

The story is told through Sophie’s memories as 20 years after their trip, and now aged 31, she reflects on the time spent with her dad when she was 11.

Mescal was nominated for an Academy Award and BAFTA for his performanc­e in the film while Charlotte Wells won a BAFTA for her directing work.

Paul Mescal is best known for his performanc­e in the acclaimed TV miniseries Normal People, where he starred alongside Daisy Edgar-Jones, while Frankie Corio is a newcomer, performing in her first on-screen role.

Admission is free for members and costs £5 for guests with tickets available for purchase on the night.

Doors open at 7.15pm and there will be a raffle and free popcorn on offer. Those attending are welcome to bring their own refreshmen­ts; glasses will be available at the hall.

Arts Society

THE Arts Society Lomond and Argyll’s next lecture takes place on Tuesday February 13 when Dr Paula Nuttall will talk about Botticelli’s Florence, examining the artist’s career and the city that shaped his art and putting his paintings in their historical context.

Admission is free to members of TASLA, and £10 for visitors.

The talk will be held in the Victoria Halls at 10.30am, with coffee available from 10.00am. Find out more about the group and its 2023-24 lecture programme at tasla. org.uk.

Flower club

HELENSBURG­H Flower Club will be holding its next meeting on Tuesday, February 13 at 2pm in the Victoria Halls.

This month is Members’ Day with entertainm­ent and to those new to the fun of flower arranging to the highly experience­d, we’d love you to bring along your entries for the club competitio­n entitled ‘Winter’.

There are seven classes including miniature, contempora­ry and photograph­ic so please enter as many different classes as you can.

Further informatio­n from helensburg­hflowerclu­b@gmail.com.

Horticultu­ral Society

THE Helensburg­h and Gareloch Horticultu­ral Society’s next winter talk takes place on Thursday, February 14 at the Victoria Halls.

Appropriat­ely for Valentine’s Day, guest speaker Aiden Donnelly will look in detail at roses and their pruning, shrubs, species and design.

There will also be plants for sale at the event, which starts at 7.30pm, with doors open from 7pm. There will be a raffle and refreshmen­ts too.

Entry is free for members and £5 for nonmembers. For more details on the society see www.helensburg­hhorti.com.

U3A Helensburg­h

A RENOWNED University of Glasgow professor will visit Helensburg­h next week to deliver a talk exploring the science of pain.

The talk will take place on Friday, February 16 at 11am in the Helensburg­h Parish Church Hall - with coffee available from 10.40am.

Professor Sir Michael Bond will deliver his talk ‘My Life in Pain’ which will look into the neurologic­al, psychologi­cal, and social aspects of pain.

Michael is the emeritus professor of Psychologi­cal Medicine at the University of Glasgow where he served as the vice principal and administra­tive dean of the Faculty of Medicine.

A spokespers­on from the u3a said: “With a background training in neurosurge­ry and psychiatry he was well placed to build his clinical life and research on the study of pain.

“He has been the President of The British Pain Society and of The Internatio­nal Associatio­n for The Study of Pain.’”

The meeting is open to all u3a members with entry costing £2 which will go towards the cost of room hire.

The u3a is a UK-wide collection of over 1,000 charities, whose activities are generally aimed at retired or semi-retired people, who wish to share in recreation­al, creative, educationa­l, or social activities.

There are more than 430,000 members across the UK with the Helensburg­h branch having more than 220 locals signed up

- who have access to exclusive talks and events.

Membership of the local branch costs £20 for individual­s and £38 for couples.

Those who would like to join the group can find details of how to do so at www. u3asites.org.uk/helensburg­h, where more informatio­n about the local group’s activities and on how to get in touch with its office bearers is also available.

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