Helensburgh Advertiser

Yob struck men with metal pole

- Tempany Grace tempany.grace@newsquest.co.uk

A THUG who carried out a shocking drug-fuelled attack on two men in Helensburg­h has been jailed.

John Cox was under the influence of alcohol and ‘street valium’ when he carried out the attack with a metal pole during a “large disturbanc­e” at a property in the town.

CCTV footage captured him with the weapon in Buchanan Road on November 29, 2023.

Cox, 45, pleaded guilty at Dumbarton Sheriff Court to assaulting the first man by repeatedly striking him on the leg, and assaulting the second man by striking him on the body.

The court was told police received a call that same evening from the mother of one of Cox’s victims, reporting the assault of her son.

Cox was arrested the next day, but was released a short time later on “investigat­ive liberation” whilst police sought CCTV footage of the incident.

When viewed, the footage

showed Cox hitting the first victim twice with the pole and then striking his second victim once on his body.

The people involved were heard shouting throughout, with comments including “I didn’t f***ing touch your maw, don’t f***ing do it”.

Cox, who was described in court papers as a prisoner at HMP Low Moss, in Bishopbrig­gs, also admitted a third charge of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner by shouting, swearing, brandishin­g weapons and forming part of a disorderly crowd.

His lawyer told the May 7 hearing: “A dispute between the parties had occurred and the complainer­s had threatened Mr Cox. The matter had spilled out into the street.

“Instead of removing himself from the locus, he instead armed himself with a pole.”

The solicitor also explained that Cox, whose last assault conviction was in 2014, had spent 103 days in custody since he first appeared in connection with the incident in January.

She added: “Since he has been remanded, he has undergone a detoxifica­tion process and attends Cocaine Anonymous weekly.

“No-one was injured as a result of his actions during the course of the evening.”

Sheriff James Spy told Cox: “You struck both of [them] with a metal pole.

“You took part in a largescale disturbanc­e in Helensburg­h. You have a criminal past and it requires me to sentence you to custody.”

Cox was jailed for eight months, backdated to January 25.

 ?? ?? Dumbarton Sheriff Court
Dumbarton Sheriff Court

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