On family life and dancing around their kitchen to Shakira


What I’ve been amazed by is how much my children already have inherited my family’s love of music.

Most mornings, there’s a massive fight between Charlotte and George as to what song is played in the morning and I have to, now, basically prioritise that one day someone does this one and another day it’s someone else’s turn. So George gets his go, then Charlotte gets her go. Such is the clamour for the music.

One of the songs that the children are loving at the moment is Shakira, Waka Waka. There’s a lot of hip movements going along, there’s a lot of dressing up. Charlotte, particular­ly, is running around the kitchen in her dresses and ballet stuff and everything. She goes completely crazy with Louis following her around trying to do the same thing. It’s a really happy moment where the children just enjoy dancing, messing around and singing.

So we’re finally here, standing outside of Anmer, which is my home in Norfolk. We spend as much time as we can here. It’s very special, it’s very peaceful, and we feel very, very lucky to be out in the countrysid­e. We’ve got the sheep in the fields, we’ve got the pond here with the duck and the geese on – it’s a fantastic place to be.

It’s been really nice to get out and have a walk. I feel like I’ve shared a lot of feelings;

‘ that makes me feel like it’s been an even better walk than normal. Feels like I’ve been on a walk with a best mate or my wife. I’ll be heading back inside now, going to see what the children have been up to before I, hopefully, put them to bed exhausted.

 ?? ?? William has to preside o v e r George and Charlotte’s music choices, although the young Princess’s love for dancing ( below) has her opting for singer Shakira (left)
William has to preside o v e r George and Charlotte’s music choices, although the young Princess’s love for dancing ( below) has her opting for singer Shakira (left)

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