
Serves 6 Preparatio­n time 30-35 minutes Cooking time 20-25 minutes, plus cooling

“This cake takes its inspiratio­n from a Linzer biscuit. Two almondy cake halves sandwiched together with a raspberry centre. Rather than ice this, I’ve played around with paper-cut snowflakes as icing sugar templates and the results are beautifull­y festive; a doily, too, works just as well.”


• 100g/4oz unsalted butter, at room temperatur­e, plus extra for greasing

• 75g/3oz caster sugar

• 2 eggs, separated, whites whisked to stiff peaks

• 100g/4oz marzipan, grated

• 75g/3oz plain flour

• 25g/1oz ground almonds

• 1 tsp ground cinnamon

• 1 tsp baking powder

• 4 tbsp raspberry jam

• Icing sugar, for dusting

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C, 350°F, Gas 4 and grease and line 2 x 20cm/8in round cake tins.

2. Put the butter and sugar into a large bowl and beat with a handheld electric whisk until light and fluffy. Add the egg yolks and whisk again until combined. Add the grated marzipan, flour, ground almonds, cinnamon and baking powder, then stir until well mixed.

3. Fold the whisked egg whites into the batter, then divide the mixture evenly between the prepared cake tins and smooth the tops with a spatula.

4. Bake in the centre of the preheated oven for about

20 minutes until golden brown and springy to the touch. Turn the cakes out onto a wire rack to cool.

5. Once cool, put one cake onto a plate, spoon the jam on top and spread it out evenly. Place the second cake on top.

6. Cut out a round piece of paper just larger than the cake. Fold it into 4 and cut an intricate snowflake design out of it. Unfold the piece of paper and lay it on top of the cake. Dust the top with icing sugar before carefully removing the paper. You should be left with a beautiful delicate snowflake on top of your cake. Stored in an airtight container, this cake will keep well for up to 3 days.

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