Herald Express (Torbay, Brixham & South Hams Edition)

Neighbour’s death jolts community into action


THE death of a neighbour has prompted 45 people in St Marychurch to take up the offer of free training on how to use their defibrilla­tor to cope when someone suffers a heart attack.

Three free training sessions were fully booked by local businesses, local residents, and a retired doctor. The training sessions provided the practical skills to use the defibrilla­tors that are now being provided in many communitie­s.

One of the trainees said: “I feel much more confident to use this equipment. Although I hope never to have to use a defibrilla­tor, I feel that in an emergency this training has been invaluable”.

The free sessions were delivered by training specialist­s, OCP West, which provides a wide range of courses for healthcare profession­als.

Head of OCP West, Phil Sturgess, lives near St Marychurch and was quick to respond to the death of a local resident when no one was able to use the defibrilla­tor. He said: “It is so good that defibrilla­tors are now being installed in local communitie­s, but it is crucial that people have the knowledge and confidence to make use of the life-saving equipment. In St Marychurch, we now have 45 more people with a chance to save lives.

“I just hope that, while defibrilla­tors are being installed in communitie­s throughout the country, our local initiative will prompt others to deliver the training that is needed to give people the confidence to make use of those defibrilla­tors to save lives.”

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