Herald Express (Torbay, Brixham & South Hams Edition)

Beacon lights up town as group backs new art space


TWO new projects are taking shape thanks to the Brixham Arts and Theatre Society, who are backing a new arts space in the town, and a new beacon which was lit as part of Remembranc­e events.

BATS gave up the lease on Brixham Theatre after facing a steep rent increase, and have since concentrat­ed on developing other aspects of arts and culture in Brixham.

The first project is a new arts space called The Spark in Metherell Avenue.

Brainchild of Polly Pritchard-Davies, the leader of Project Performers Youth Theatre group, The Spark leases the old Kingdom Hall which had been vacant.

BATS supported Polly with a loan for set-up costs and also helped with establishi­ng the company as a Community Interest Company, with charitable status.

As well as being the base for Project Performers, there are classes in tap, ballet and mod- ern dance and singing classes.

A Gala Open Day will be held on December 9.

BATS has also commission­ed a new Beacon.

Director Cecilia Kean explained: “We realised that the old beacon fire basket on Berry Head had been removed some years ago, following a lightning strike, and thought that the town needed a new one.

“Rather than just having a bog standard basket on a pole, we decided it would be better to commission a far more creative sculptural work to fit several

individual locations.

“We have commission­ed a new basket and special stand from Master Blacksmith Joff Hooper of Metal Pig Forge at Dartington.”

It was lit at Shoalstone Pool on Sunday with readings of war poems, a bugler playing the Last Post and ringing of church bells across Brixham, followed by music from local performers reflecting the period.

The event was part of a chain throughout the UK, Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, and at scores of locations overseas.

Cecilia Kean added: “BATS put their heart and soul into Brixham Theatre for ten years, but, ultimately, we were faced with many increases in costs that rendered it unviable.

“We left the theatre in a far better state than we started with, having invested £50,000 in improving the facilities there.

“We have been delighted to support Polly in her new venture, which gives another much needed creative space to the town, run by a Brixham born and bred local with a vast amount of skills and experience. ”

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