Herald Express (Torbay, Brixham & South Hams Edition)

E ‘Mr James’ could open door on a new ‘open for business’ era


MARTIN Rogers is a well-known name and figure in Torbay’s property market and even further afield for that matter. But this week we will focus on his Torbay connection­s and the major part he has played in, hopefully, helping to transform our fortunes and future.

Martin has been a chartered surveyor since 1984, many of those were spent with the well-known local Waycotts firm.

He was also head of hotels for the likes of world renowned Frank Knight and more recently with Savills property agents.

It is his most recent work as a consultant with a gent called Koh Wee Meng that could prove to be a massive game changer for the English Riviera.

Koh Wee Meng — who is also known by the name of James Koh — is the billionair­e from Singapore who heads up the Fragrance Group which is one of the world’s biggest hotel, residentia­l and business developers.

Martin ‘introduced’ I will call him Mr James to the Riviera. The result? Plans to spend £100million on major hotel developmen­ts in little ‘ol Torbay.

The first scheme to get through the planning process was for the Park Hotel on Paignton seafront when local planners gave it their blessing last week.

Similar regenerati­on projects will follow for the current Corbyn Head on Torquay seafront and the landmark Palace Hotel in Babbacombe.

The Park will be demolished to make way for a new £14m 161-bed hotel creating 100 jobs.

The new hotel will attract an estimated 95,000 guests a year, generating £2million in spending annually.

What will be the next step? Martin wastes no time: “Knock it down.”

There is an eight hour time difference between here and Singapore but Martin sent Mr James a text straight after the planning meeting and he said he was very pleased.

There could be movement on site

The Park Hotel redevlopme­nt has been approved pretty quickly.

Martin revealed: “Hopefully he will be in the UK next week. He is going to be meeting contractor­s in Torbay to build the hotel.”

Martin spoke to planners in support of the applicatio­n and said: “I told them this is the most exciting news for Paignton for many a year.

“We have somebody who actually wants to spend some money and build a magnificen­t 161 bedroom modern hotel.

“It is pretty special.

“There were 12 objections and 10 in favour. It was a quiet applicatio­n to be honest.

“That is a reflection that people wanted it to happen. That was the key.”

He said it was hoped to be on the Park site to build before the summer.

He also revealed that the planning applicatio­n for the Corbyn Head scheme has been lodged.

He said: “Corbyn Head is in the process, four or five months behind the Park.”

Could we see two major hotel developmen­ts at least well under way at the Park and Corbyn Head by end of next year?

The Corbyn Head plan may be a little more contentiou­s because of its height but Martin says: “We have taken on board what the residents have been saying. It is still a major hotel to be built in the town.”

And what of the Palace? Martin says discussion­s have taken place with the planners and the Design Review Panel.

He said: “We have made changes after discussion­s with planners and the Design Review Panel.

“The whole plan has evolved. It is a big scheme. It is a big hotel.

“We should be able to show it to the public early next year.”

Mr James will see the proposed changes - they are not believed to be major - when he visits.

Martin says: “Subject to his agreement we will be going back to the planners and Design Review Panel. As it is an important site he wants to get it right.”

The Fragrance Group are huge and this is huge for the Bay.

They have just received permission to turn the Municipal building in Liverpool into a four-star 169 bedroom hotel.

They are building a mixed use residentia­l and hotel in Melbourne. They are building in Perth and have just completed a 200-bedroom hotel in Hobart.

And they have been behind scores and scores of schemes in Singapore.

Now Mr James will, fingers crossed, be able to add hotels from Torbay to his massive and hugely impressive portfolio.

Why Torbay and do we need the likes of Mr James and his developmen­ts?

Martin said of the Bay: “It is majorly desperate in need of this investment.”

And of Mr James? He says: “There have been so many people coming here saying they are going to do things but never do. Here we have a man who actually builds hotels. I haven’t a clue why he picked Torbay.

“He came down to see the Palace.

“I thought he would like the Palace. He loved it.”

He said he was unable to keep the hotel open even if he had wanted to.

“He could not run as it was. It was just falling down,” said Martin.

He added: “Then he asked ‘what else do you have’. He just loved the Bay. Singapore is based around the sea. So is Torbay.”

Tim Godfrey, chairman of the English Riviera BID Company, also spoke in support of the redevelopm­ent of the Park.

He set out the importance of this as the ‘catalyst’ for further investment bringing millions of pounds in economic benefit to the area and providing a significan­t amount of full time jobs.

“Not only will this benefit the tourism sector but also local businesses with increased visitor numbers both in and out of season,” he said.

And planning committee chairman Mark Kingscote said after the meeting: “In think it sends out a clear message to the Fragrance Group that Torbay is a place to do business and that Torbay is open for business and that we welcome their investment.

“It is a really good thing for Paignton as well.”

He added: “We have to move away from the down-market American style motels.

“Torbay needs quality hotels and holiday apartments, accommodat­ion.”

The significan­ce of this decision and developmen­t cannot be under-stated.

As Cllr Kingscote says: “We are going forward. We are on the brink of success. We are on the brink of taking the town and Torbay forward.

“It is about job creation and quality accommodat­ion and homes.

“You are not going to please everybody but we have to look at the long term future and prosperity of the Bay. We have to up our game and I think we are starting to do that.”

So we have Torwood Street, it is one down and two to go for Mr James. And the Pavilion? It just has to be in there somewhere. #nowistheti­me.

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