Herald Express (Torbay, Brixham & South Hams Edition)

‘Army’ fights for Alice

Parents campaign for improved hospital safety after daughter, 14, dies during MRI scan


ACAMPAIGN has been launched in the name of a 14-year-old girl who died tragically during a routine MRI scan.

Alice Sloman was being examined at Torbay Hospital to investigat­e suspected water on the brain when she suffered a catastroph­ic cardiac event while in the scanner. Now her devastated parents Sarah and Nathan have set up Alice’s Army to ensure no other children suffer the same fate.

“Our daughter has died and we don’t want another family to suffer how we are right now,” they said.

“We are going to fight for our girl as we always have.

“We need your strength to find answers and will get justice for Alice. We are Alice’s Army and she will live on in our fight.”

Alice, a pupil at Combe Pafford School in Torquay, had a number of health problems. Her family are awaiting the results of her post-mortem examinatio­n and the hospital is investigat­ing. An inquest will also be opened.

ACAMPAIGN has been launched in the name of a 14-year-old girl who died tragically during a routine MRI scan.

Alice Sloman was being examined at Torbay Hospital to investigat­e suspected water on the brain when she suffered a catastroph­ic cardiac event while in the scanner.

Now her devastated parents Sarah and Nathan have set up Alice’s Army to ensure no other children suffer the same fate.

“Our daughter has died and we don’t want another family to suffer how we are right now,” they said.

“We are going to fight for our girl as we always have.

“We need your strength to find answers and will get justice for Alice.We are Alice’s Army and she will live on in our fight. Every child should be checked to ensure they have a strong heart before any anaestheti­c is given.”

Alice, a pupil at Combe Pafford School in Torquay, had a number of health problems including autism, being visually impaired and hypermobil­ity.

Before her death she had been suffering from headaches so her consultant suggested having an MRI scan under general anaestheti­c because she would not have been able to cope with the scan.

After falling ill on October 16 her parents were told she was unlikely to survive for more than seven hours, but she bravely fought for three days on life support before she died on October 19.

Her family are awaiting the results of her post mortem examinatio­n. The hospital have launched an investigat­ion into her death.

Sarah said: “She went into hospital singing, laughing and being funny and then didn’t come home.

“It’s like waking up to a nightmare every single day. Being Alice’s full-time carer I am completely lost. I’m trying to muddle through for the sake of our other children but it’s so hard. Sometimes I just can’t believe it’s true.”

An inquest into Alice’s death will be opened today.

Jane Viner, chief nurse at Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We are currently investigat­ing the very tragic death of Alice. Alice came to Torbay Hospital for a routine MRI scan, but during the procedure she deteriorat­ed and was immediatel­y transferre­d to Bristol for specialist intensive care.

“Very sadly and despite everyone’s best efforts, a few days later Alice died. Our hearts go out to the family at this very difficult time.

“As part of our investigat­ion, we have contacted Alice’s family to hear their concerns and to share informatio­n about the care we provided. We will continue to be in contact as the investigat­ion progresses and share any learning and recommenda­tions that arise.”

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Alice Sloman

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