Herald Express (Torbay, Brixham & South Hams Edition)

Complaint prized beach is in disrepair due to neglect


ONE of Torquay’s prized sea front locations is falling into disrepair – with stones missing from the sea defences and a sink hole appearing on a public path.

Concerns have also been raised about litter and dog walkers not bagging mess at Babbacombe Beach.

A local took pictures of the poor condition of the sea wall showing the missing coping stones while cones have been placed beside a hole that has materialis­ed along the concrete footpath.

The visitor said: “Torbay Council has ignored all the repairs needed and now it looks positively dangerous. There’s a big sink hole, large areas of coping stones missing, dog poo everywhere and it’s in a depressing, run-down state.

“Paths overgrown with fallen down trees due to ivy being left uncontroll­ed. The South West Coast path has become a joke.”

The coast path is one of the most scenic in Torbay and links Babbacombe Beach and Oddicombe Beach. The five-star Cary Arms hotel and pub overlooks the bay, which is reached via a steep road linking it to Babbacombe’s promenade and Babbacombe Downs.

The area is popular with tourists in the summer.

Torbay Council says it is aware of the sink hole.

A spokespers­on said: “Babbacombe promenade, beach, car park and toilets are leased to a third party, so the general upkeep falls under their responsibi­lity, and we would expect the area to be maintained to a high standard.

“We would ask visitors to the area to bag dog mess and dispose of in a bin or take home, along with any litter, so we can all work together to look after our coastline and attraction­s for everyone’s enjoyment now and for future generation­s.

“Torbay Council has a responsibi­lity for maintainin­g the sea defences. The sink hole in that area was reported to us last week and it has been assessed by our structural engineer. Works to fill the void and plug the holes have started.”

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 ?? ?? ⟫Coping stones missing at Babbacombe Beach while a sinkhole, inset, has developed
⟫Coping stones missing at Babbacombe Beach while a sinkhole, inset, has developed

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