Herald Express (Torbay, Brixham & South Hams Edition)

£350k will help four swimming pools reduce energy costs


»»FOUR swimming pools in Devon will receive more than £350,000 to help save them.

The money will allow the pools to become more energy efficient and reduce their carbon footprint as they struggle with increased energy costs.

The money comes from the Government’s Swimming Pool Support Fund and will benefit pools in Ashburton,

Kingsteign­ton, Dawlish and Moretonham­pstead.

Across the country more than 300 facilities with swimming pools have been awarded funding, which comes from Sport England providing £20 million via the national lottery and just over £40m from the Government as part of its commitment to support the long-term sustainabi­lity of public leisure.

The success of the local bids, which were co-ordinated by Teignbridg­e District Council

(TDC), represents a major achievemen­t given the fund was four times oversubscr­ibed with more than 700 applicatio­ns made nationally.

Moretonham­pstead swimming pool and Kingsteign­ton swimming pool will receive £40,922 and £121,560, respective­ly, for pool covers and solar panels; Ashburton swimming pool will receive £20,200 for speed pumps and to deal with power correction issues and Dawlish Leisure Centre will receive £168,775, which will be spent on heat recovery to air handling units and solar panels.

TDC executive member for open spaces, leisure, sport, resorts and tourism, Councillor John Nutley, said: “I am delighted that local people will be able to enjoy improved facilities now and in the future. This follows the substantia­l decarbonis­ation work we have carried out at Newton Abbot and Broadmeado­w and is in line with the council’s efforts to significan­tly cut our carbon footprint.”

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