Herald Express (Torbay, Brixham & South Hams Edition)

County’s largest reservoir is now full


RECENT heavy rain means the two biggest reservoirs for the South West have refilled to more than 90% storage capacity.

Roadford and Colliford reservoirs have both benefitted from record investment from South West Water (SWW), with more than £125 million targeted to increase resources in Devon and Cornwall by 30% and 45%, respective­ly, as well as heavy rainfall and customers doing more to save water. Roadford and Colliford are now at 100% and 96% storage, respective­ly, compared to 63% and 55% this time last year.

SWW drought and resilience director David Harris said: “In 2022 Devon and Cornwall experience­d one of the hottest and driest years on record. As visitors arrived to the area in their millions, our reservoirs hit their lowest ever levels and we fought hard to protect river health. Since then we’ve invested record amounts to deliver our drought plan, and that plan is working. While there’s no doubt the wettest February on record has helped reservoir levels, our interventi­ons and the hard work of our customers to reduce water usage has combined to recharge our biggest reservoirs ahead of spring and summer.”

As part of SWW’s investment in Devon, the business’ winter pump storage work at Gatherley is also now operationa­l, and along with the Lyd pumping scheme delivered last year, both schemes are supporting improvemen­t in water resources.

SWW’s water resources management plan is looking 25 years ahead to make sure there is secure, sufficient and safe supply of water for everyone, while guaranteei­ng the environmen­t and the wildlife are protected and can thrive.

 ?? ?? ⟫After a wet winter, Roadford, South West Water’s main Devon reservoir, is now 100% full
⟫After a wet winter, Roadford, South West Water’s main Devon reservoir, is now 100% full

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