Herald Express (Torbay, Brixham & South Hams Edition)

Service for father who never returned from night out


A MEMORIAL service will be held to celebrate the life of a young father as questions about his death remain unanswered.

Badreldin “Bud” Badreldien was found dead near a Torquay school just two days before Christmas last year leaving his family in shock.

Three months on and his family still have no idea how he died, leaving a grieving partner and one-yearold daughter. An inquest has yet to be heard.

But the 24-year-old man’s family members are now to hold a special service in his memory and want people to turn up in droves, dressed in Bud’s favourite colour: orange.

His sister Hadia Badreldien said: “Anyone who knows Bud or anyone who wants to come is welcome. Mum said people should come casually dressed and wear something orange, his favourite colour.”

Mr Badreldien lived in Torpoint but his partner and daughter were living in Torquay, where he was visiting last Christmas. He went for a night out on December 23 and never returned home.

The following day, Christmas Eve, his body was discovered in bushes in Westhill Road, close to St Cuthbert Mayne School, outside the school grounds. Police said at the time there were no suspicious circumstan­ces.

Miss Badreldien said: “It was a huge shock. He just went for a night out in Torquay and never made it back.”

She said he went out to see friends but didn’t know the area well. When his partner tried to ring him his phone was not answered.

Miss Badreldien added: “In the morning he was found by a jogger, in a bush by the school.

“We still don’t know what happened.

“There have been police inquiries and we are still waiting to hear from the coroner and for an inquest.”

She said Mr Badreldien worked in a McDonald’s takeaway but had studied medical science at City College Plymouth and at one time was set on a career in pharmacy. He is survived by his mother, brother, three sisters, partner and baby daughter.

A funeral was held shortly after his death, Miss Badreldien said, but due to the haste and the time of year, not many people were able to attend.

His relatives are staging a memorial service for him on May 13, what would have been his birthday.

It will take place at 1pm at St James Church, Torpoint. Afterwards attendees will walk to the Standard Inn, in Fore Street, to continue to commemorat­e Bud.

“It’s open to everyone that wants to come,” said Miss Badreldien.

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