Herald Express (Torbay, Brixham & South Hams Edition)

Administra­tors ponder offers to buy Torquay


BIDDERS were to waiting buy on Torquay United news from the administra­tors yesterday as their offers were being pawed over by those with the power now in their hands.

owner Last Friday, Clark Osborne six weeks said after he former was going to place the club into administra­tion, the club officially went into administra­tion – a week and a bit after bids to buy the club had to be submitted.

One bid, led by Michael Westcott, which is hoping to hand 50% of the club’s ownership to Torquay United Supporters’ Trust (TUST), is backed by former Torquay and Premiershi­p manager Neil Warnock, while another is believed to be from cur- rent director Mel Hayman and her father Ian Hayman. There is also understood to be another bid from an as yet unnamed party or parties.

But those waiting for news might not have to wait much longer, as a statement from the administra­tors was being tipped to come as early as yesterday (Tuesday).

Nick Brodrick of TUST said yesterday: “The administra­tors decision could be any day. We are obviously hoping it is as soon as this afternoon, or later today maybe.”

In the statement released by the club, which is still being run day-today on a voluntary basis by chief executive George Edwards, and Mel Hayman, released last Friday read: “Although the administra­tion process is the latest, important step in securing Torquay United’s longterm future, it continues to be a testing time for everyone associated *with the club – be it players, staff or supporters. The unity shown by everyone continues to shine through though, and the determinat­ion to ensure that United’s future will be a brighter and more sustainabl­e one is clear for all to see.” The statement revealed Scott Kippax, Neil Vinnicombe, and Simon Haskew of Begbies Traynor were the appointed joint administra­tors.

The statement continued: “TUFC can confirm that it has now received firm bids from parties interested in purchasing the club, and a further announceme­nt is anticipate­d to be made within the next fortnight, when it is hoped that the club will then be in a position to confirm that its long-term future has been secured.”

On the field, Torquay helped their cause of staying in the National League South, ahead of a summer of what’s bound-to-be extraordin­ary change, by beating Truro City in Gloucester on Monday night.

Goals by Arkell Jude-Boyd and Brad Ash gave the Gulls a 2-0 lead in the first half, which was only dented after 90 minutes by Ed Palmer.

The game was played in Gloucester because Truro still had seven games to go and have moved their home games to Gloucester City’s Meadow Park, which is an allweather pitch.

Torquay now have three games to go – two away against Bath City on Saturday and Taunton Town on Tuesday night, and one at home against Havant & Waterloovi­lle on Saturday, April 20. Three points from those two games should mean the Gulls escape the dreaded drop into the Southern League. But until safety is a mathematic­al fact, no-one will be resting on their laurels.

National South table – Page 45

 ?? Arkell Jude-Boyd and Brad Ash celebrate at Gloucester where Torquay beat Truro City 2-1 on Monday night ?? ⟫Goalscorer­s
Arkell Jude-Boyd and Brad Ash celebrate at Gloucester where Torquay beat Truro City 2-1 on Monday night ⟫Goalscorer­s

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