Heritage Railway

A warm welcome aboard to Owen!


HERITAGE Railway is delighted to welcome on board new staff writer Owen Hayward.

Owen writes: “I’ve always been fascinated primarily by steam locomotive­s; indeed, on every family holiday I can remember from my youth, I would constantly be asking ‘when are we visiting a steam train?’ It probably drove my parents mad.

“Fast-forward to 2011 and I joined up with the Epping Ongar Railway Volunteer Society, my closest heritage line, starting off working with the carriage and wagons team before the line reopened. Since then, I’ve also been a porter, dealt with the website and social media, and started out as a cleaner in the steam department.

“In more recent years I have branched out to other railways, working on the overhaul of the ‘lost’ Hunslet No.1589 Newstead at the Spa Valley Railway, with the wagon group on the MidHants Railway, and the latest addition to the portfolio, the Talyllyn Railway, where I have started as a trainee guard and locomotive cleaner.

“I’m a supporter of freight trains; some call me mad for it, but I own a grampus (based at the EOR) and the sole-surviving complete ventilated meat van (at the MHR), the latter being in the final stages of restoratio­n.

“Journalism was a crucial part of my college studies, which led to me taking over the quarterly publicatio­n for the EORVS for five years, as well as doing some publicity materials for groups such as the Holden F5 Steam Locomotive Trust, but this is my first step into the industry for a career.

“I am excited to be working for such as prestigiou­s title and with a highly experience­d and knowledgea­ble team.”

 ?? ?? Owen with his Wickham trolley DB966033 at North Weald on the Epping Ongar Railway on March 6.
Owen with his Wickham trolley DB966033 at North Weald on the Epping Ongar Railway on March 6.

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