Hinckley Times

Unkind to stop cats from roaming when they want


WITH reference to the letter in The Hinckley Times May 26 entitled “Maybe cats should be kept inside”.

Although I appreciate that people don’t want cats in their gardens it would be very unkind to keep a cat indoors.

It is in their nature to be able to roam. However their are simple remedies that can be bought, cheaply, to stop them using the garden as a toilet, eg powders that can be put on the garden to deter them.

Unfortunat­ely there are no such products to deter people from allowing dogs to use the pavement as a toilet and then not removing it. This happens regularly on the pavement outside my house.

I don’t like cats attacking birds either but I don’t suppose animals going to the slaughter for our consumptio­n are over keen when it happens to them.

However we are perhaps missing the point here. Cars should not be speeding down any road. Speed bumps have to be placed on these roads because some motorists won’t take notice of the speed restrictio­ns.

If the speeding motorist saw a child would they be able to stop in time before they hit the child?

Please remember that someone will love the cat that is killed by an inconsider­ate motorist.

It might also be worth rememberin­g that all creatures “great and small” have a right to life .

Name and address supplied

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