Hinckley Times

Endurance ride for actress


AN ACTRESS from Hinckley is taking part in a bike ride from Leamington Spa to Sunderland in memory of Neil Scott.

Julie Perry, who is playing Emily in the Tinhatters production of the Hired Man, will be doing the endurance ride in support of Motor Neurone Disease Associatio­n, the disease Neil died of.

Julie said: “The ride is in memory of Neil Scott, who died of Motor Neurone Disease last May. I will be driving a support vehicle along the length of the 245 mile route.

“The ride will finish at the Stadium of Light, home to Neil’s beloved Sunderland AFC. This is just one is a series of events in Neil’s memory and the group are hoping to raise more than £10,000.”

MND is a progressiv­e disease that attacks the nerves in the brain and spinal cord, meaning that message gradually stop reaching muscles. Six adults are diagnosed with it a day, with a third of sufferers dying within a year, a half within two years.

There is currently no cure.

Upon her return Julie, who works as a primary school teacher, is straight back to rehearsals.

She said: “This is my first lead role in a musical and I’m really excited about it. We have a very talented and enthusiast­ic local cast. The Hired Man is an award winning musical based on a novel by Melvyn Bragg.”

The production takes place at the Concordia Theatre from Monday October 3 to Saturday October 8.

To donate to Julie’s cause visit www. justgiving.com/fundraisin­g/Ian-Adshead2

 ??  ?? Julie Perry is will be part of a team cycling 245 miles in support of the Motor Neurone Disease Associatio­n, in memory Neil Scott. Pictured is the shirt they will wear, in the colour of Sunderland AFC, the team Neil supported
Julie Perry is will be part of a team cycling 245 miles in support of the Motor Neurone Disease Associatio­n, in memory Neil Scott. Pictured is the shirt they will wear, in the colour of Sunderland AFC, the team Neil supported

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