Hinckley Times

Twycross Zoo boss defends gorilla shooting decision


TWYCROSS Zoo boss Dr Sharon Redrobe has backed keepers’ decision to shoot a gorilla after it grabbed a four-year-old boy.

Harambe was shot in what has been described as a ‘last resort’ action when the child wandered off from his parents and fell into the primate’s enclosure at Cincinnati Zoo.

Experts have argued the gorilla could have killed the tot with one strike and Dr Redrobe said using a tranquilli­ser simply would not have worked.

The chief executive of Twycross - famed for its primates and the only place in the UK where visitors can see all five species of great ape - said zoo officials would be “heartbroke­n” by the decision to kill the animal but would be confident they did the right thing.

She added: “The zoo keepers had a life and death situation on their hands and they would have known the behaviour of that animal better than anyone.

“The fact they left the situation for 10 minutes before firing the final shot shows they would have tried everything they could to get the male gorilla to enter the inside enclosure away from the boy.

“In the footage I have seen the animal was clearly becoming more agitated and zoo officials need to make quick assessment­s.

“The scenario was very similar to a live hostage situation with humans, any sudden movement or wrong decision and we could have had a very different result.”

Cincinnati Zoo workers shot Harambe dead out of fear that he would hurt the boy who had crawled through bushes then fall- en 12ft into the enclosure during a visit with parents Michelle Gregg and Deonne Dickerson on Saturday May 28.

Cincinnati Zoo boss Thane Maynard defended the shooting, saying the four-year-old boy’s life was in danger and 17 stone gorilla Harambe was agitated, disoriente­d and acting erraticall­y.

He added the zoo was reviewing security measures.

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