Hinckley Times

Mum buys life-saving equipment for village

She had seen a man in cardiac arrest

- ROBBIE GORDON robbie.gordon@trinitymir­ror.com

A MUM who witnessed a cyclist suffer a “terrifying” heart attack has raised enough money to purchase a defibrilla­tor for her village.

Maria Crowie-Mcgrath, from Bagworth, was driving through Thornton in July when she saw a man being given CPR on the roadside.

The 35-year-old pulled over to help and saw that the man, Peter Ward, from Ratby, was not breathing.

A cardiac nurse, who happened to be driving by at the time, administer­ed CPR for 25 minutes before the ambulance arrived.

Peter, an electricia­n and dadof-three, survived and made a full recovery after spending several days in intensive care at Glenfield Hospital.

But Maria was so shocked by the ordeal that she launched a fundraisin­g mission to buy a defibrilla­tor for Bagworth.

The married mum-of-two raised nearly £3,000 through a series of events and purchased the life-saving equipment from St John’s Ambulance, who will also provide medical training for up to 30 people in the village in the New Year.

She also planned to donate £800 of the cash towards buying a defibrilla­tor in Thornton too, but a different group has already raised the funds.

Instead she hopes to give the money to Bagworth and Thornton Parish Council, which donated £500, to maintain the upkeep of the equipment.

Maria, a senior nursery nurse, said: “It’s a big achievemen­t and I’m thrilled to have raised so much money.

“If we had had a defibrilla­tor we could have used it immediatel­y on Peter and he would not have been starved of oxygen for so long.

“He could have died and at the time I thought: ‘What if that was my family?’ It was terrifying.

“I decided I had to do something to raise as much money as possible to buy a defibrilla­tor which will benefit everyone in Bagworth and nearby villages.”

The family of Peter Ward tracked Maria down on social media and thanked her for her fundraisin­g efforts.

Ruth Rolinson wrote on the fundraisin­g page: “I’m Peter’s sister. Thank you so much for doing this, I continue to be amazed by the kindness of complete strangers.

Scores of villagers thanked Maria on social media and one even made a video in her honour.

 ??  ?? Maria Crowie-Mcgrath, from Bagworth, with husband Tony and sons, Ricco and Fabian
Maria Crowie-Mcgrath, from Bagworth, with husband Tony and sons, Ricco and Fabian

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