Hinckley Times

Borough tax levy set to go up £5


HOUSEHOLDE­RS can expect a council tax rise on the borough precept of £5 again for this financial year.

The increase, a little over 5%, was introduced along with the brown bin charge last April by the newly elected Conservati­ve administra­tion.

The fiver is a representa­tive figure, based on the ‘average’ council tax charge on a Band D property.

Of that around 71p will be the Hinckley Area Committee proportion. Parish councils set their own element of the levy, which will also include charges from Leicesters­hire County Council, the police and the fire brigade.

The county council has already warned of a 4% increase over the next four years with half of that ringfenced to help bolster adult social care services, while Leicesters­hire Police and Crime Commission­er Lord Willy Bach has said a 2% increase is likely over the next four years also.

Leader of Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council, Mike Hall, said they had planned for the regular increase of £5 a year in the Medium Term Financial Strategy.

He added: “Unless we can get a massive increase in how much of the business rates income we retain then it looks like the £5 increase will remain for 2018/19 also.

“The charge works out at around £100,000 a year increase which really only covers the rise in salary costs.

“Overall the amount the borough gets from council tax just about covers the cost of refuse collection­s. We get just over £3 million and the waste service costs around £4 million. Everything else is funded from other services.

“We don’t have any ambition to change our proportion of the levy, if there are budget constraint­s, if we can control these with a third through savings, a third through taxpayers and a third from other income then that is fair to everyone and offers a balance.”

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