Hinckley Times

Who will pay for services?


THE Lib Dems are at it again, this time with their “NHS Inquiry” - a survey delivered to local homes over the Christmas period.

Talk about loaded questions and asking us to express opinions based on emotion rather than evidence. This is no way to run anything.

Of course we would all like a first class range of services on our doorstep, but how do they propose to fund it?

Of course I’d like a walkin centre, but I have no idea whether it is truly needed or what the net impact on patient service would be and nor do the Lib Dems!

What they should be asking is how big an increase in taxes we would be prepared to accept to afford what they are proposing when instead they seem to think the “choices” they offer are all free.

It’s all very well attempting to ridicule David Tredinnick, but at least he has tried to think laterally to solve a long standing problem with the NHS and stuck to his guns despite fierce criticism.

I have seen nothing comparable from the Lib Dems based on a more scientific footing. They will no doubt go on about bet- ter links between health and welfare, but politician­s have been rattling on about this for decades with little progress.

Do I think the NHS is run badly? Yes I do. Do I think it would be any different under the Lib Dems? No I most certainly don’t.

Would you trust the Lib Dems to deliver on any promises they make? No I would not.

In many ways I am a natural Lib Dem voter, but unless they get a grip locally and nationally I will be forced to cast my vote elsewhere next time. R Collingwoo­d

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