Hinckley Times

Mathsvolun­teer wins golden heart award

- ROBBIE GORDON robbie.gordon@trinitymir­ror.com

AN UTTERLY selfless woman has been honoured for giving her time to help Hinckley school children get to grips with maths.

Sue Uttley, a design analyst at National Grid in Hinckley, has been helping youngsters tackle tricky number conundrums for five years.

She visits Hinckley Parks Primary School each week to help children develop confidence and “make maths fun” for pupils through specially designed board games.

Sue is part of an 11-strong team from National Grid taking part in the pioneering Number Partners programme, run by business and community charity Leicesters­hire Cares.

The charity presented her with a “golden heart” award to mark her dedication and commitment to the scheme.

Big hearted Sue said: “It’s so rewarding to see the children growing in confidence and learning from the Number Partners scheme.

“Some start out being shy and hesitant, but they’re soon eager to learn and are raring to go when we arrive.

“Some of them are now better at fractions and decimal points than me. I’ve also gained so much enjoyment from helping the community where I work.

“I am honoured to receive the award. The real pleasure is knowing you’re giving something back to people.”

Number Partners use the board games to help pupils improve numeracy skills such as times tables. The games start out simple and get more difficult.

The pupils at Hinckley Parks give up their play time after lunch to attend the classes.

Joanne Hudson, Leicesters­hire Cares Number Partners co-ordinator, said: “Sue thoroughly deserves this award for all the time and effort she puts into helping at Hinckley Parks.

“The scheme has been a great success and that’s down to people like Sue and her colleagues at National Grid Hinckley.”

Sue has worked in the gas industry for 27 years. She works with a team of fellow design analysts who monitor the flow of gas around the network ensuring customers receive gas supplies reliably and safely.

Leicesters­hire Cares brings local businesses and communitie­s together through employee volunteeri­ng.

Companies interested in supporting future initiative­s should contact Leicesters­hire Cares on 0116 275 6490.

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Sue Uttley

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