Hinckley Times

Staying healthy in Hinckley

- SAM HADADI wonderful hinckley

FROM ditching the beloved bars of Galaxy to pledging to stay off the wine, many of us will have made promises or resolution­s this January.

If you’re looking to make 2017 your healthiest, happiest year yet but have no idea where to start, then don’t worry – that’s where we come in! From the newest exercise classes to snacking on protein and eating the rainbow, here is our guide to staying healthy in Hinckley this year…

HIIT If you’re looking to squeeze back into those beloved skinny jeans but feel pressed for time, then this is the one for you! HIIT, or high intensity interval training, involves working out the entire body for short periods of time at a high intensity. It may sound scary or off-putting, but it means an effective, fatsheddin­g workout can be done in as little as 15 minutes…

In need of a little guidance? Don’t fret! Hinckley Leisure Centre offers a variety of GRIT classes, featuring cardio, strength or plyo (jump training) moves, which are all based on HIIT principles. Simply Gym, based in The Crescent, also runs a series of Insanity workout classes, which incorporat­e high intensity interval training into the gruelling regimes. Time to get a sweat on… Eat Little and Often According to Ron Lakin, who runs Wayne Lakin Health in Hansom Court, one of the key ways to stay in shape and melt off those pounds is eating little and often. Rather than skipping meals and depriving your body of essential nutrients, eating lots of smaller meals can help to keep that metabolism revved up, and also supports your body in digesting and making the most of what you do consume.

According to BBC food trends, 2017 will also see a rise in plate sharing. As mealtimes become more and more blurred, sharing smaller plates of food (we love the delicious tapas options at Tarro Lounge in The Crescent) with friends will grow in popularity. Now, pass us the menu…

Snack On Protein Another trend prediction for 2017 is that of the smarter snacker. Long gone are the days of snacking at the vending machine or the biscuit tin. Instead, reach for healthier, high protein options, which will help to keep you fuller for longer and those blood sugars balanced and stable.

We like snacking on handfuls of nuts, or you could even try slathering rice cakes with natural almond butter (available in Holland and Barrett).

Meanwhile, low-sugar, highprotei­n snack bars are also becoming increasing­ly popular – Holland and Barrett and Wayne Lakin Health both stock plenty! Work That Body With hectic social lives and work diaries, it can be tricky to squeeze in a full-body workout.

Yet, Hinckley Leisure Centre has a nifty new piece of equipment to help you do just that…

The Total Body System is an impressive new machine, which relies entirely on the body weight of the client and lets gravity do the rest. Depending on a person’s weight and strength, the Total Gym can be adjusted to make each workout as advanced or modified as the client would like.

Attachment­s include a footplate which can be used for bodyweight squat variations. In addition to this, handles are included which work on a pulley system and can be used for upper body exercises such as chest flies and bicep curls. Fur- thermore, there are static handles which can be used for exercises such as assisted pull-ups. Make a Splash Swimming is one of our favourite full-body workouts, and can give you strong and lean arms, toned legs and firm abs. Plus, it’s low impact and is ideal exercise if you have any injuries, are pregnant or elderly. Happily, early risers can make the most of the Leisure Centre swimming pool, which now opens from 6.30am three days a week. Enjoy Some Me Time Far too many of us neglect that all important “me time”, yet it’s important for our health and our bodies to spoil ourselves every now and again. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup…

If you’re feeling muscle aches and pains after embarking on a brand new gym regime, then try booking in for a pampering massage. If you’re really daring, then we love the Fire and Earth sports massages at Simply Gym.

We also love the range of quirky beauty and hair salons dotted throughout Hinckley for pampering and enjoying a touch of glitz and glamour. You can find a range of treatments across the salons in Hinckley, including lash extensions, massage and facials. Many of them also have their own Facebook pages, with informatio­n about special offers and available appointmen­ts. Eat the Rainbow Ever since we were little, we’ve been told to eat our greens – and for good reason!

Beautiful, vibrant fruit and veg is full of fibre, which helps with weight loss and digestion, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals, which can even help the body to detox.

Wherever you can, chase the rainbow and eat a variety of colours of fruit and vegetables.

From red peppers to leafy greens and purple cabbages, each colour of food contains different body-loving phytonutri­ents, which can put a real spring in your step.

We also love to load up on seasonal foods from Hinckley Market, Four Seasons and Cave’s.

Not only are seasonal foods cheaper to buy, but they’re also fresher, full of flavour, and packed with even more

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