Hinckley Times

Walks of witness lead Good Friday worship

- RACHEL PARRISH rachel.parrish@trinitymir­ror.com

CHRISTIANS across Hinckley and Bosworth will be joining walks of witness as a symbol of their faith on Friday April 14.

Known as Good Friday, the church festival sees Christians reflect on their belief that Jesus was crucified and died, before being resurrecte­d three days later on Easter Day.

Crosses, symbolisin­g the manner of Jesus’s death, will be held at the head of procesions in both Hinckley and Market Bosworth.

Hinckley’s walk, co-odinated by Hinckley and Burbage Churches Together, will begin outside St Peter’s RC Church on Leicester Road at 11am.

Witnesses will walk along New Buildings then cross over to Castle Street where they will pause to sing and pray.

Another stop will be made on Church Walk before the procession comes to a halt in the market place for an open-air service from 11.30am until noon.

Worship will be led by Churches Together chairman John Moore, with an address by Father Frank Daly from St Peter’s RC Church.

The Rev Angela Tarry, curate at St Mary’s Church in Hinckley, said: “The service will reflect on the Christian belief that Jesus Christ suffered and died on a cross on Good Friday.

“As we remember his suffering, we will remember all who suffer in our world and as we recall his crucifixio­n we will worship God in thankfulne­ss for love conquering death.

“Everyone is invited to join in, on the walk or just the outdoor worship.”

Afterwards, people are invited to share tea, coffee and hot cross buns in the United Reformed Church in The Borough.

St Mary’s Church in the town centre will be open throughout the day for ongoing worship and reflection which people are invited to drop in and out of as they wish.

The cross carried at the head of the procession will be left in the market place until Sunday April 16, which Christians celebrate as Easter day, when, says Rev Tarry, they believe that Jesus rose from the dead and opened up the Kingdom of Heaven.

Churches across the area will be holding celebratio­n services to which everyone is invited.

Market Bosworth’s walk of witness will set off from Pipistrell­e Drive at 9.45am.

The procession will move to the market place, stopping for prayer along the way.

There will be a short open-air service in the market place at about 11am, to which everyone is invited, followed by hot cross buns in Market Bosworth Free Church.

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