Hinckley Times

Mobility car smash leaves mum stranded


The silver Vauxhall Nova was parked outside 34-year-old Rebecca Sabin’s home on Shilton Road, Barwell, when the damage was caused last Tuesday (April 4).

Rebecca was out shopping and returned to find a gaping hole in the driver’s side which faced the roadway.

She said the incident is just the latest in a series in the area involving either deliberate vandalism or damage from vehicles travelling too fast along the narrow street.

Rebecca added: “It’s terrible along here. I know neighbours have had wing mirrors torn off.

Now this. The car has been left with a 2ft gash in the wing, just like a tin can that’s been opened up

“Goodness knows how much it will cost to repair, we haven’t received an estimate yet. But while it’s off the road my mum is left without any transport.

“She is blind and disabled and needs a wheelchair to get around. Now she’s like a prisoner in her own home

“Whoever hit the car must have known they did it. To simply drive off is despicable. They haven’t a clue what they have done and what impact it has had. That car was a lifeline for my mother.”

Rebecca believes the incident happened some time between. 2.45pm and 5pm. Neighbours reported hearing a bang but unfortunat­ely no-one saw what happened.

Now Rebecca is hoping by spreading the word someone may come forward with informatio­n or even CCTV footage which might help track down the offending driver.

 ??  ?? The mobility car, a transport lifeline for Rebecca Sabin’s mum as she is blind and disabled. The car was severely damaged during a hit and run incident while parked outside Rebecca’s home in Queen Street Barwell
The mobility car, a transport lifeline for Rebecca Sabin’s mum as she is blind and disabled. The car was severely damaged during a hit and run incident while parked outside Rebecca’s home in Queen Street Barwell

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