Hinckley Times

Huge blaze at beauty spot

- DAVID OWEN hinckleyti­mes@trinitymir­ror.com

A DROPPED cigarette is thought to have sparked a fire which tore through a Leicesters­hire Beauty spot.

Around 1,000 square meters of scrubland at Bradgate Park was scorched on one of the hottest days of the year so far on Sunday.

Park rangers and fire fighters acted quickly to bring the fire under control and have been credited with preventing a more serious incident.

The fire took hold as visitors had swarmed to the park taking advantage of the warm weather.

Rangers have since issued an appeal for visitors to be extra vigilant with regard to cigarettes and discarding glass at the park.

Marc Rose, 28, from Nuneaton, photograph­ed part of the fire-fighting operation as he was enjoying an afternoon stroll with his family.

He said: “My parents and I were returning to the park after visiting the Badger Set pub in nearby Cropston.

“As we walked along the side of the reservoir, you could see thick, black smoke coming from an area of the park by the smaller car park off Roecliffe Road, towards Swithland Woods.”

A crew from Birstall fire station was called to the scene at 4.47pm after the alarm was sounded by staff and volunteers.

Mr Rose said: “By the time we got there, it was about 5.30pm and we could see firefighte­rs and park rangers using what looked like snow shovels to dig out the heather and bracken which had caught fire.

“There was also smoke coming from an area over the brow of the hill.

“The park was very busy at the time and the fire was quite close to the main path, where a large crowd had gathered and many people were taking photograph­s.

“It seemed at that point as though the fire was pretty much under control. But I think it could have been a lot worse if park rangers and the fire crews hadn’t have been onto it so quickly.”

There are no reports of any visitors or wildlife being hurt during the incident, which did not require the park to be evacuated.

Issuing an appeal for visitors to be extra-careful with their rubbish, Peter Tyldesley, director of the Bradgate Park Trust, said: “We do not know the exact cause but damage to the nationally important wildlife habitat is the outcome.

“Whether it be a cigarette, discarded glass or a barbecue – which are not allowed under our bylaws – we expect all visitors to be alert to the risk of fire from their actions.”

He added: “The fire was within an area of bracken litter.

“This is incredibly flammable, and fire can penetrate to such a depth that the burn can be hard to put out.

“We would like to extend our thanks to Leicesters­hire Fire and Rescue Service, as well as to all staff and volunteers who were involved in helping to control the blaze.

“Our team will continue to monitor the area.”

Since the fire the Trust reported a number of people had made donations and extended offers of help.

A spokesman said those wanting to help the charity, which is run by volunteers, could make donations through the Trust’s Facebook page which has a donation button.

Donations can also be made through the Bradgate Park Trust website www.bradgatepa­rk.org.

A fire service spokeswoma­n said: “We suspect it was caused by carelessly discarded smoking materials and have no evidence to suggest it was the result of arson.

“The police weren’t involved in dealing with the incident.”

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 ??  ?? Left: Volunteers and firefighte­rs bring a fire under control at Bradgate Park. Photo by Marc Rose Above: The scorched area. Photo The Bradgate Park Trust
Left: Volunteers and firefighte­rs bring a fire under control at Bradgate Park. Photo by Marc Rose Above: The scorched area. Photo The Bradgate Park Trust

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