Hinckley Times

Hay fever affects one in five people


POLLEN is a growing problem for many people as more and more are reporting that they suffer from it.

The problem people of all ages.

Hay fever, which causes sneezing, a runny nose and itchy eyes, affects around one in five people in Hinckley.

It is caused by an allergy to pollen, a fine powder released by plants.

This time of year sees the highest levels of grass pollen in particular, the effects form which affects most hay fever sufferers.

How do you prevent hay fever?

You can do a lot of things to cut your risk of hay fever, according to NHS Choices:

Shower and change your clothes after being outside to take pollen off your body;

Wash your hair every night so pollen doesn’t go onto your pillow;

Stay indoors when pollen levels are high, with levels worst between 10am and 3pm;

Wear wraparound sunglasses to stop pollen getting in your eyes;

Put some Vaseline on your nose to trap pollen grains;

Lay off the booze - as beer, wine and other spirits can set off allergic symptoms;

Eat oily fish or meals with garlic to boost your resistance. Staying indoors If possible, stay indoors when the pollen count is high (over 50). The tips below may help to reduce your exposure to pollen;

Keep windows and doors shut in your house. If it gets too warm, draw the curtains to keep out the sun and lower the temperatur­e;

Don’t keep fresh flowers in the house;

Vacuum regularly, ideally using a machine with a high-efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) filter;

Damp dust regularly. Dusting with a wet cloth, rather than a dry one, will collect the dust and stop any pollen being spread around;

Keep pets out of the house during the hay fever season. If your pet does come indoors, wash them regularly to remove any pollen from their fur;

Don’t smoke or let other people smoke in your house. Smoking and breathing in other peo- ple’s smoke will irritate the lining of your nose, eyes, throat and airways, making your symptoms worse;

If possible, avoid drying clothes outside. This will help to stop pollen being brought into your house.

How do you relieve or cure hay fever?

There is no cure for the allergy, but most people can reduce their symptoms;

Antihistam­ine tablets are a widely available way to cut your risk, and corticoste­roids can reduce inflammati­on and swelling;

But if your symptoms are very serious, you should seek advice from a GP or pharmacist;

Who is most at risk of hay fever?

Many people are at risk with around 13 million people affected in Britain;

Anyone can get it at any age, male or female, though it usually starts as a child or teenager;

You are more likely to get hay fever if you have a family history of allergies - and during childhood boys are more at risk than girls;

Even though hay fever doesn’t pose a serious threat to health, it can have a negative impact on a person’s quality of life. People with very severe hay fever often find that it can disrupt their productivi­ty at school or work.

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