Hinckley Times

Council cuts funding for SEN school transport

- MATT LLOYD matt.lloyd@trinitymir­ror.com

CUTS to school transport services for some special needs children in Leicesters­hire have been approved by the county council.

Cabinet members voted through the changes which will see transport discounts for low income families slashed, the axing of council-arranged minibuses and taxis and replacing transport to post-16 education for students and replacing it with an annual £150 grant.

Initial plans saw discounts for low income families being abolished altogether, however after public consultati­on, the rate was cut by 50 per cent.

That means low income families will now have to fork out a contributi­on of £330 annually for children over 16 and those using transport to nursery.

Currently some 400 special educationa­l needs (SEN) children get discounted transport.

In all, the proposed changes could save up to £964,000 a year.

Children aged between five and 16 are not affected as the county council has a statutory duty to ensure these children are able to get to school.

Cllr Blake Pain, cabinet member for passenger transport, said: “We do understand the concerns of respondent­s to the consultati­on.

“By that we understand wider concerns of people will affect and we have sought to mitigate that by looking at the exceptions policy making sure there is enough financial provision in there to target those families most in need.

“I believe this policy strikes the balance between doing just that and also the need for the department to mar a saving in this area.

“In 2011/12 we were spending £6.4million, we’re now nearing £10 million and i believe costs are increasing at a rate of five per cent each year.

“There are other authoritie­s who offer no discount at all, given we are the lowest funded county council in the county this policy brings the balance.”

Cllr Byron Rhodes said: “It is with a heavy heart we push through motions like this and we’re getting to a series of them to meet our financial targets.

“I remember a former leader of the council saying there are some things we have to do and some thins we would like to do.

“Right now nothing would please me more than to not have to do this.

“There may come a time when we get fairer funding through where we will be able to do someing improve measures again in this area. I hope I shall see that time coming but for today I think we have to approve the measure before us.”

Cllr Nick Rushton, leader of the council, said: “It is a very difficult decision but until we get fair funding tough decisions will have to be taken.

“We’ve got nowhere else we can go, we can’t spend money we have not got.

“If we get fair funding in the future we could re-visit it but at the present if we don’t make tough decisions we could end up like Northampto­nshire and other county councils in bankruptcy.”

The changes approved are not due to come into effect until September 2019 giving families time to prepare for the extra costs they may face.

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