Hinckley Times

Tories are cutting welfare of poorest people


AS John Payne is having a rest from letter writing, I thought someone had better correct the strange misleading ideas of S.P.Vickers, published in your paper March 21. Tories con, con con. If you have just taken out a mortgage and know that you have a life time to pay it off and you decide to go without food, heating, clothing, medicines, aids for a disability, schooling for your children, never use buses or your car or have holidays, or any other everyday necessity, people would think that your mental ability was flawed.

Yet this is what the Tories have insisted was necessary to decrease the National Debt which was less in 2010 than it was for a hundred years between 1720 to 1870, as well as the 50 years 1920 to 1970.

An idiot is someone who believes that one political party is correct in everything it does and says.

It was Thatcher’s infamous “big bang” deregulati­on of the banks and the City, as well as the Americans selling useless bonds to the banks, that led us to the crisis of 2008.

It was Labour who bought the pri- vate banks out of trouble with Government money.

The Tories, despite record low rates of interest of 0.5 per cent would not borrow money but decided to sell off as much of the public sector as they could to the private sector, following their (Tory) dogmatic adherence to the false belief that the private sector could do everything more efficientl­y than the public sector.

At the same time they cut the welfare of the poorest in society while cutting the taxes of the rich.

The débâcle of G4S in charge of the security at the Olympics, being rescued by the Army, as well as numerous other examples of privatisat­ion gone wrong, the latest being Carrilion, show how wrong their ideas are.

Combine this with Social Care being in a perilous state year after year, the National Health Service being decimated by lack of funding, Police, Fire and Ambulance services cut, families relying on charity Food banks to eat, thousands of people homeless as council houses have been privatised then not replaced and closing of libraries across the country and you can see why people want a viable alternativ­e.

All of the above were avoidable but unfortunat­ely Tory Councils have seemingly delighted in carrying out the Government­s policy with cut after cut, which they dress up as efficiency.

Thank goodness there is an alternativ­e.

After the Second World War, when the National Debt was twice what it was in 2010, a Labour Government built a country fit for heroes, nationalis­ed the bankrupt utilities of coal, gas, electricit­y and the railway industries and built 700,000 council houses for those who needed them and also started the National Health Service.

By the end of its six year term it had overseen six years of full employment, rising living standards and economic growth which stood at three per cent a year (the best economic performanc­e in Europe).

Yes there is no doubt who I should be voting for and it is a knowledge of economics and history that will influence my vote, not rocket science. Anthony G. Wallis

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