Hinckley Times

30-year plan for homes and roads agreed

- MATT LLOYD matt.lloyd@trinitymir­ror.com

DRAFT plans setting out the future of housing and transport developmen­ts across the county for the next three decades have been approved by county bosses.

The Leicester and Leicesters­hire Strategic Growth Plan (SGP) - Consultati­on Draft was given a thumbs up by cabinet members.

Over 180,000 new homes could be built under the scheme as well as a new major road, the A46 expressway which could connect the east side of Leicester and joining up with a new M1 junction at Fosse Park.

While detailed plans for the road have not been drawn up, the road is expected to form a key transport element of the plan which will also provide a corridor of developmen­t for 40,000 homes in the county through Hinckley, Blaby and Harborough.

Welcoming the draft plan, Cllr Nick Rushton, said: “This is a piece of very good work, expecially when you consider the Prime Minister’s announceme­nt on the importance of housing to the country and making sure we get the numbers and numbers of houses built in the right place.

“There’s no point building houses if there is no road going to them, no schools, no doctor’s surgeries and things like this.

“So I think it is a piece of excellent work between the county, colleagues in the city and districts and we’ve engaged with the LEP (Local Enterprise Partnershi­p) so we’ve ticked all the boxes we’re supposed to tick.”

Cllr Blake Pain, cabinet member for transport, said: “As a relatively young councillor I feel passionate about housing, particular­ly for young people.

“Without a plan such as this we are in danger of writing off whole generation­s. It is imperative we support the SGP.

“There are some councillor­s who would seek to pick apart the plan and question the deliverabi­lity.

“It’s like the chicken and the egg, we need a plan to bid for resources, this is a starting point and for that reason we should support it.”

Residents, businesses and other stakeholde­rs can still have their say on the draft SGP until tomorrow (April 5).

Once the consultati­on closes, comments will be reviewed and a final draft plan will be drawn up.

You can have your say on the plans at http:// www.llstrategi­cgrowthpla­n.org.uk/

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