Hinckley Times

Chamber choir in concert at St Mary’s


A CHAMBER choir is performing at a Hinckley church.

The Jubilee Singers are experience­d vocalists who sing works unaccompan­ied, across a wide range of genres, and they will be in action at St Mary’s Church.

The concert will be a balance of classical and popular music to appeal to all musical tastes.

Their conductor, Richard Archer, is well known to Hinckley audiences as the musical director of the Hinck- ley Choral Union.

Listeners are invited to bring a packed lunch to eat before or after the concert, with drinks available from the church coffee bar.

The choir decided on the name as it formed in 2012, the year of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

Hosting the concert is St Mary’s Arts, as part of a series of lunchtime concerts.

The performanc­e will start at 1pm on Wednesday October 3 and last for less than an hour.

Admission on the door is £4 for adults and £1 for children and students.

SMARTS chairman Philip Worley said this concert will offer a balance between classical and popular music that will appeal to all musical tastes.

For more informatio­n, call St Mary’s Arts chairman Philip Worley on Hinckley 846215 or secretary Hilda Butler on Hinckley 613759.

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