Hinckley Times

Police praise young victims for reporting abuser

Packer, 56, of Burbage will be sentenced at a later date

- CIARAN FAGAN hinckleyti­mes@reachplc.com


A MAN has appeared in court to admit sexually abusing three children between 1989 and 2003.

Richard Packer (56) committed the offences against his victims when they were as young as seven and eight.

Police have praised the bravery of Packer’s victims, who contacted the force last year to disclose what he had done to them during their childhoods.

Packer, of Freemans Lane, Burbage, appeared at Leicester Crown Court to enter guilty pleas to four counts of indecently assaulting a child under 14.

Police released details of the case after the hearing.

In a statement, the force said of Packer: “His crimes began when they were just seven and eight years old, continuing as they became teenagers.

“However, his actions were uncovered when the victims contacted police last year to disclose just what they had been subjected to.”

Detective Constable Anna Blockley, the investigat­ing officer, said: “Each of Packer’s victims has shown bravery in coming forward and telling us about the abuse they’ve suffered.

“Packer himself probably thought that they wouldn’t do such a thing and that his horrific actions would never bring him before the courts.

“But today he’s admitted his crimes and saved his victims from having to attend court.”

Packer will be sentenced at Leicester Crown Court on Monday, November 26.

Police launched the All Is Not Lost campaign last year to encourage people who have been raped or sexually assaulted to report the crimes committed against them.

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