Hinckley Times

Is it time to ban fireworks to help pets


AS bonfire night looms, 96% of UK dog owners are calling for a change around firework laws according to a recent survey by a pet supplement manufactur­er.

The poll of more than 2,000 dog owners, which was conducted by premium pet supplement­s manufactur­er Lintbells, has revealed that more than half are calling for an outright ban on unlicensed fireworks.

Dog owners across the country have revealed in the survey that they are having to spend a considerab­le amount of time prepping their pooch for loud bangs and sudden flashes of light on and around November 5 each year.

Across those surveyed, 80% have admitted to turning up the television or radio to help mask the unexpected bangs, while more than 75% go as far as closing the curtains, windows and doors to shelter their pets from the explosions that light up the night sky.

In support of the findings by Lintbells, the 2018 PDSA Paw Report found 40% of dog owners say their pets are afraid of fireworks with 78% saying they should only be licensed on certain days of the year.

Emma Richardson, Brand Manager at Lintbells, who conducted the survey from their customers said: “It’s not just dogs that are affected by fireworks. The loud noises, bangs, crackles and burning smell that fireworks produce can startle cats, farm animals and wild- life who may accidental­ly hurt themselves.

“The waste that’s left behind including the sharp plastic, tubes and sticks pointing out of the ground can also affect local animals and wildlife.

“These statistics from our recent customer survey are therefore not surprising.

“We at Lintbells have always placed great importance on maintainin­g and supporting the health and wellbeing of our pets.

“Our popular YuCALM products have proven useful to pet owners who are looking at ways to help soothe and calm their pets during this season and it is indeed a step towards making sure their happy all through the night.”

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