Hinckley Times

Right wing Brexit is now dead in the water


IT should now be obvious - to anyone prepared to give it a moment’s considerat­ion - that the Brexit project is dead in the water. ONE can only pursue three lines of thought at this point - all of which lead to a dead end.

1 - May’s deal with the EU - which conformed to her red lines - has been decisively rejected and cannot be revived.

2 - Leaving without a deal would be so harmful to the nation’s trade, economy, normal routines, health and welfare that no distant intangible benefits can logically outweigh those immediate risks and those nasty snags not yet foreseen. It would be the equivalent of going on a march into the mountains in winter in pjamas without a map.

3 - A “soft(er)” Brexit, keeping GB in the Customs Union and / or the Single Market - (erasing May’s red lines) - (thankfully) eliminatin­g the Irish border problem, yet forgoing essential decision-making powers while still paying membership fees, would be so silly that staying put is obviously preferable.

Three Brexit pathways going nowhere. If this omnishambl­es has a lesson for all and sundry, both here and on the Continent, it is a warning against putting party before country, against dividing the nation - and against trying to leave the most successful, if flawed, trading bloc in history for some Cloud Cuckoo Land where only the mega-rich benefit.

Brexit was an extreme right-wing project all along!

Having nowhere else to go, Brexiters should now be honest with themselves, admit defeat and turn back.

John Payne

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