Hinckley Times

Vocalists can take part in opera festival events

- NICHOLAS DAWSON nicholas.dawson@reachplc.com

SINGERS of all abilities can exercise their vocal cords at an opera festival in the town.

Hinckley Opera Festival 2019 is to include two free events where vocalists can tune their voices and hone their melodic skills.

The Come and Sing event is an opportunit­y for singers of all abilities to join musical director Janet Bacon and members of the Stanley Opera chorus in an afternoon of singing.

Participan­ts will learn three pieces, the Grand March from Bizet’s Carmen, the Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves from Verdi’s Nabucco and an arrangemen­t of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, which they will then perform at the end of the afternoon.

Mike Hargrave of festival organisers Stanley Opera said: “This is the perfect opportunit­y for anybody, from beginner to the most experience­d singer, to come and take part in a rehearsal alongside the Stanley Opera chorus.

“It will be great fun.”

A Vocal Masterclas­s will also take place as part of the festival, a chance for more experience­d singers to learn from coach David Barrell and accompanis­t Nigel Foster.

Singers aged 30 and under will prepare an aria for a morning class and receive tuition from Mr Barrell while the adults will work on their techniques in the afternoon.

Audiences are welcome to attend the event and see how vocal coaches draw out and shape singers’ strengths.

The singers will then perform their pieces at a recital on the following day.

Mr Hargrave said: “We are thrilled that David and Nigel agreed to come to Hinckley to take the masterclas­s.

“What an opportunit­y for local singers.”

The Come and Sing event is on April 6 from 2pm.

The Vocal Masterclas­s is on March 30 with the morning session from 10am to 1pm with a 20 minute interval and the afternoon session from 2pm to 5pm with a 20 minute interval.

All the events are taking place at the United Reformed Church in The Borough.

Applicatio­ns for the masterclas­s need to be made through the festival website.

Arts Council England funding for the festival means tickets for the events are free.

Hinckley Opera Festival is running from March 30 to April 13.

Tickets for all festival events will be available from January 26.

 ??  ?? Janet Bacon will help vocalists hone their skills at Hinckley Opera Festival 2019.
Janet Bacon will help vocalists hone their skills at Hinckley Opera Festival 2019.
 ??  ?? Nigel Foster will help vocalists hone their skills at Hinckley Opera Festival 2019.
Nigel Foster will help vocalists hone their skills at Hinckley Opera Festival 2019.
 ??  ?? David Barrell will help vocalists hone their skills at Hinckley Opera Festival 2019.
David Barrell will help vocalists hone their skills at Hinckley Opera Festival 2019.

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