Hinckley Times

Visitors Ernsford prove too strong for Hinckley


HINCKLEY A hosted Ernsford A at home on Saturday in very cold conditions.

These two teams have had history for the past several years which has resulted in losses and wins for both Ernsford and Hinckley.

Ernsford were straight out the blocks, turning over centres to gain a lead. Hinckley closed the gap and countered this by ensuring that their attacking play was fast and dynamic into the circle.

The second quarter saw more of the first, with both teams turning over the ball in centre court and in parts picking up and reacting to the other teams mistakes and sloppiness. Hinckley A showed moments of magic and their timing coming down court with support from the WD and GD positions was effective. Ernsford carried to push on and make substituti­ons to adapt their play around Hinckley in order to stretch their lead slightly further.

Hinckley’s defence was working hard to ensure that it was difficult for Ernsford’s GS and GA to get the ball in the circle, however they were very consistent and their shooting was highly accurate. Hinckley made a change in the last quarter to mix up the play and try something different to try and make Ernsford think and adapt further.

In defence this worked great as the Ernsford shooters were getting frustrated with how tight on they were and the lack of space they had to move. In attack there was different movement in the circle and it gave Ernsford GK and GD something to think about. Despite the efforts, Hinckley missed out and lost 52-37. Player of the match... Holly Hensley.

Hinckley B team played Rugby Railway B away and began the game strongly scoring on each Hinckley centre. GA Emily Harrison and GS Lucy Marsden worked well together in the shooting circle, supporting each other and scoring from some great feeds into the circle.

Dasia Wheatley played fantastica­lly as GK, figuring out how Rugby’s GS played through the game and working hard to prevent Rugby’s GS from scoring highly in the final quarter. Unfortunat­ely both Lucy Masser and Lucy Marsden managed to injure themselves by slipping over in the wet conditions but both kept going, determined to get the score back in Hinckley’s favour. Despite Hinckley B’s best efforts Rugby steadily pulled away through the match with the final score 41-33 to Rugby

Hinckley C team were at home this week against Coventry and North Warwick C team. With two players from the regular line up out of action Hinckley had a strong start leading the first two quarters 12-7 and 18-17. Many centres were turned over and mid court passes intercepte­d by Hinckley but Coventry and North Warwick edged the lead 29-26.

Hinckley fought hard in the final quarter and drew on goals in the last quarter but unfortunat­ely lost 30-33. Pom GK Heather Fraser.

A cold, damp Saturday saw Hinckley D take on top of the table Highway D. Highway started strong from their first centre pass with accurate shooting and strong passes across court making it hard for Hinckley to get into the game.

Hinckley’s attack found it difficult to get through Highway’s strong defence who did enough to hold Hinckley back to 5 goals to 38 by the end of the first half.

A switch in attackers and defenders saw an improved second half from Hinckley with better passes and communicat­ion. Despite a few more intercepti­ons in the circle stopping Highway scoring, Hinckley could not close the gap enough to get a point from the game and lost 66-13.

Player of the match went to birthday girls both Katie and Chloe Phillips, for their energetic strong game play and excellent marking strategies.

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