Hinckley Times

Security stepped up at beauty spot

Overnight gatherings, fly-tipping, thefts and break-ins at park

- TOM MACK hinckleyti­mes@rtrinitymi­rror.com


SECURITY is being increased by Bradgate Park Trust due to thefts, break-ins and anti-social behaviour.

The trust is to shut three more of its car parks overnight after reports of crime at the Hunts Hill car park near Old John in Bradgate Park and both the north and south car parks at Swithland Wood.

In recent months, noticeboar­ds and pay machines have been vandalised and fly-tipping has been reported.

The trust also said some “overnight gatherings” at the Swithland Wood car park had been reported to police by local residents.

While pedestrian­s will still be able to enter the park and the wood at all hours, cars will not be able to enter after sunset.

This will be enforced with gates and strips of “dragon’s teeth” that let cars leave the car parks but prevent more cars entering.

Dragon’s teeth have already proved successful at the Newtown Linford car park for Bradgate Park, where they were installed in 2016.

In a statement on its Facebook page, the Bradgate Park Trust said: “Following an increase of anti-social behaviour incidents, thefts and break-ins at Swithland Wood south and north car parks and Bradgate Park’s Hunts Hill car park, the Trust have found it necessary to begin work on gating and securing car parks overnight at dusk.

“Parked cars will be able to exit via safe routes with ‘dragon’s teeth’ once gates are locked. This system was introduced at Newtown Linford in 2016 and the benefit to the trust and surroundin­g communitie­s has been notable.”

No public rights of way will be affected by the new gates and the work is due to be completed over the next few weeks.

When they have been installed, the car park gates at Hunts Hill and Swithland Wood will open at 7am and be closed to vehicles trying to enter after sunset.

The Bradgate Park car park known as Hallgates, which is on the north side of Cropston Reservoir, will remain open to vehicles at all hours but the trust has said it will monitor the situation to see needed there also.

People have commented on the trust’s Facebook page to express their frustratio­n about the plans.

One woman, who walks her dog in Swithland Wood and has been going to the wood for 20 years, said: “Very disappoint­ing. Lots of us rely on being able to walk our dogs in Swithland Woods much later and earlier than your published opening times.

“It’s not really fair on us full-time if gates are workers who like to enjoy the woods too.”

Others were about the crime.

One said: “Bradgate Park is a wonderful place of natural beauty gifted to the people of Leicesters­hire. Why suddenly is it being abused in this way? Dreadful, to say the least.”

Another said: “What’s wrong with some people?

“They’re so lucky beautiful places.” unhappy to to have hear these

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 ?? GOOGLE ?? REPORTED CRIMES: Hunts Hill car park, near Old John, will be closed overnight
GOOGLE REPORTED CRIMES: Hunts Hill car park, near Old John, will be closed overnight

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