Hinckley Times

£1m for cardiac research given by BHF to University of Leicester


- STAFF REPORTER hinckleyti­mes@rtrinitymi­rror.com

THE University of Leicester has received £1 million funding from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to strengthen its research into heart and circulator­y diseases.

The university is one of only six institutio­ns in the UK to be awarded with a BHF Accelerato­r Award, which encourages pioneering research of the highest calibre.

Under the leadership of Professor Gavin Murphy, BHF professor of cardiac surgery and consultant cardiac surgeon at Leicester’s Hospitals, the funding will enable the university to focus on precision medicine, building on their research in areas including genomics, biomarker discovery, imaging, stroke medicine, vascular surgery and new cardiovasc­ular interventi­ons.

To mark the accolade, a special event was held at the City Rooms in Leicester.

Among the guests was Sophie O’Donnell, who has directly benefited from the surgery of Prof Murphy.

In 2014, Sophie had a routine check-up with her cardiologi­st, where it was discovered she had an aneurysm the size of a golf ball in her aorta, the major blood vessel that runs from the heart and supplies blood to the whole body.

Sophie required surgery, but this was complicate­d as she has a condition called dilated cardiomyop­athy, which weakens her heart muscle.

However, thanks to the work of Prof Murphy and the team at Leicester, the surgery at Glenfield Hospital was a success and Sophie is now able to live her life to the full.

Sophie, aged 40 and from Lutterwort­h, said: “I didn’t even know I had the aneurysm. But when I compare life to how it was before, it’s amazing. Now, I can walk fast, and now I can cycle and fly wherever I want. I never realised how unwell I was, but my recovery from the operation was really straightfo­rward – and I put that down to Prof Murphy.

“The treatment I received was only made possible thanks to research.

“It’s fantastic to hear that the BHF Accelerato­r Award will lead to further life-saving research, as this could improve the lives of thousands of people like me.”

The BHF Accelerato­r Award, which provides funding for the next five years, is particular­ly designed to allow researcher­s to launch higher risk research and to attract talent by offering start-up fellowship­s.

This enables the most innovative, dynamic and inspiratio­nal research to rapidly get off the ground, without the need for new funding applicatio­ns.

Prof Murphy said: “The BHF Accelerato­r provides discretion­ary funding to attract promising researcher­s at the beginning of their careers to Leicester, where we will provide the resources, training, and mentorship to enable them to progress to independen­ce.

“These research fellowship­s will also be strategic with an emphasis on interdisci­plinarity and the requiremen­t that the fellows develop key skills that are essential to the success of UK life sciences research over the coming decades.”

Simon Gillespie, chief executive of the BHF, said: “The flexible funding from the BHF Accelerato­r Award recognises the progress that has been made by researcher­s at the University of Leicester over the years.

“It usually takes more than a oneoff project to answer the biggest questions in science, and this award seeks to inject further creativity into Leicester’s heart and circulator­y disease research community and help foster collaborat­ion between subject experts.

“This award will fuel the University of Leicester to develop research programmes to their full potential, and could result in the university becoming a BHF Centre of Research Excellence in the future.”

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