Hinckley Times

The Trinity is something Christians believe in but can’t understand


With Derek Marvin, Chair of Hinckley and Burbage Churches Together THE Trinity is something Christians believe in and accept but can’t understand. It is a very tough idea and hard to get to grips with.

The Trinity is the idea that there is one God but that He is three persons God the Father, Jesus The Son and the Holy Spirit. It sounds strange and seems to be impossible, yet this is what the Bible tells us.

God has woven the idea into His creation in different ways to help us get our heads round it.

For example, humans are one person yet made of three parts – body, soul and spirit.

Time is past, present and future. An atom is made of protons, neutrons and electrons. Finally, Space has three physical dimensions. It is interestin­g how each of these fundamenta­l things has three components while being one entity. This is how the Trinity is too.

In the Bible, in John chapter 14, the disciples ask Jesus to show them the Father. Jesus replies “He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?”.

This shows us that Jesus and God the Father are one, yet also separate persons. Why is this so important? It helps us to see God’s love. Let me explain – the most precious thing we possess is our life. This means that the most important thing we can give for another, is our life. Jesus died on the cross to show us how much we are loved and so that our sin might be forgiven.

But it wasn’t just Jesus as a man dying for us, it was God on the Cross, because Jesus is God. This is how God shows us He loves us, because He was willing to die for us. If Jesus had been just a man dying on the Cross and not God, this wouldn’t be a very good demonstrat­ion of God’s love for us.

However, the fact that God, as Jesus, was willing to give His own life for us, shows the very great love God does indeed have for us.

Despite the difficulty of the idea of the Trinity, if God loves us as much as this shows, how much should we love Him back?

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