Hinckley Times

Anti-social behaviour is getting worse in county

Third of people have experience­d bad behaviour

- MICHAEL GOODIER hinckleyti­mes@rtrinitymi­rror.com

MORE than a third of people experience­d anti-social behaviour in Leicesters­hire last year - and the figure is growing.

That’s according to figures published by the Office for National Statistics, which show 36% of people in Leicesters­hire said they had experience­d or witnessed any sort of anti-social behaviour in their local area in the year to March.

That’s the highest figure in at least four years - up from 33% of people in the year to March 2018, and 29% in March 2016.

However, despite a rise in people experienci­ng anti-social behaviour, fewer people think its a problem.

In the Leicesters­hire police area, only 6% of people said they thought there was a high level of anti-social behaviour.

That compares to 10% of people in the year to March 2018.

Around 24% of people thought that there was an issue with rubbish or litter lying around, while 19% thought people using or dealing drugs was an issue in their local area.

The next biggest issue was teenagers hanging around on the streets (15% of people thought this was a problem).

That was followed by people being drunk or rowdy in public places (13%), and vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property (10%).

The picture in Leicesters­hire is similar to the one across the country.

The number of people who had experience­d or witnessed anti social behaviour rose to 38% across England and Wales up from one in three people last year.

At the same time, only 7% of people say that they are noticing a big problem.

That fell from 10% last year. A Home Office report released in 2010 found a frequent mismatch between an objective measure of antisocial behaviour and people’s perception­s.

Authors argued that how connected we are to other people in our neighbourh­ood - and to particular types of anti-social behaviour - affects whether we think what they are doing is problemati­c or not.

The statistics also showed that people are increasing­ly dissatisfi­ed with the way police and councils are dealing with the issues where they live.

Only 55% of people agreed that police and councils were doing a good job - the lowest figure in the last four years.

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